Other articles:
Jan 23, 2004 . What is the equivalent to cellspacing in CSS? This is not working at all. border-
Apr 1, 2011 . If you want these attributes get working in IE 6 and IE 7 you still should . By the
Re: Spry vertical menu bar not working in IE. The validator says you have a
CSS - Cellspacing Between Firefox And Ie - Free CSS Tutorials, Help, Tips,
CSS h1 not working: . Page header --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="12"
Jun 9, 2009 . Search Internet Explorer Web Development Forum; Search All . Why is not
Iīm using cellspacing="10" in some of my tables but Firefox isnīt respecting . It
Fit cells snugly, Incomplete, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. In IE7- border-collapse:
I wonder if there is a bulletproof way to specify cellspacing="0" and cellpadding="
HTML Design Not Working In IE: HTML & DESIGN. . height:10" bordercolor="#
hotspots work fine in Safari and Netscape but not at all in Explorer. Any ideas
In firefox it all sits wellIn IE (all versions), the middle table of brand gear seems to
Visit Dev Shed to discuss cell-spacing not working? . im wondering if its not just
It appears to me that IE9 does not recognize cellspacing. Anybody . Most
This works fine with IE7/older versions and am able to get a border for the .
The following snippet in IE7 sets cellspacing, but does not set cellpadding: $("<
Ironically enough, it works in IE 6 & 7. Is there a way to use the background
Adobe AIR Programming Unleashed: Working with Windows . look like in IE, but
If you're trying to eliminate cellspacing (i.e. cellspacing="0" ) then border-collapse
Oct 26, 2011 . This does not work when you're testing or sending your email. . Cellpadding and
Sep 11, 2008 . IE 6 not honoring CSS border-spacing and only cellspacing?how about . honor
google chrome seems to ignore cellpadding + cellspacing . in between. this
Jan 4, 2011 . You think IE is a pain in the butt? Wait until you . Cellpadding and cellspacing
Jun 7, 2011 . This will work in almost all popular browsers except for IE up through v7. . as it
RF-3750 SuggestionBox: "cellspacing" attribute does not work. RF-5395 . I also
padding table with css doesn't work on IE . This is not working on my IE: . Of
Discussions > Layouts & Templates > Cellspacing not working on FireFox.
Aug 6, 2009 . It is working fine in FF and Chrome but not working in IE. . <table width="995"
I'm quite familiar with the opacity (that's not the priority on this page), but the .
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7"> But I would like to know.
[Archive] cellSpacing=0 & cellpadding=0 not working properly HTML & CSS. . I
javascript code not working in ie but working in firefox JavaScript. . border="0"
Feb 13, 2008 . cellspacing=10 when I call the class in the body? Add border-spacing: 10px (and
In FireFox it works 100% perfect but when I use Internet Explore it moves .
I have an odd problem with IE8, yet it works in IE6, IE7, Firefox, and every other
<table border="1" bordercolor="white" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="
in IE the cellspacing works fine, showing the lighter blue . right that it was
It's working the way I think it should in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. .
The cell spacing works fine when viewed with Internet Explorer but it does not
Nov 14, 2004 . <td width="94%" align="left" valign="top"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"
Achieving the effect similar to <table cellspacing="0"> with CSS doesn't work in
PS (2) In my experience, to work with IE, you need to keep 'cellspacing="0px"' in
All--. Please help. My cellspacing not working in FireFox. This is as of now, 2006-
Mar 10, 2007 . Cellspacing can also be omitted if you work with the border-collapsing model,
It can have an effect similar to HTML's cellspacing. . <length> (i.e. 2px); inherit .
Jun 6, 2004 . TMH Design [EMAIL-REMOVED]> wrote: > Can someone please tell me why not
Page not working with IE. . <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
It works in IE7, but not in other browsers. . .. "table" include: "align", "bgcolor", "
However I have not been able to find the answer on how to get border-collapse
Though Internet Explorer 9 supports the box-shadow CSS property there is a