May 29, 12
Other articles:
  • Jan 23, 2004 . What is the equivalent to cellspacing in CSS? This is not working at all. border-
  • Apr 1, 2011 . If you want these attributes get working in IE 6 and IE 7 you still should . By the
  • Re: Spry vertical menu bar not working in IE. The validator says you have a
  • CSS - Cellspacing Between Firefox And Ie - Free CSS Tutorials, Help, Tips,
  • CSS h1 not working: . Page header --> <table width="100%" cellpadding="12"
  • Jun 9, 2009 . Search Internet Explorer Web Development Forum; Search All . Why is not
  • Iīm using cellspacing="10" in some of my tables but Firefox isnīt respecting . It
  • Fit cells snugly, Incomplete, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. In IE7- border-collapse:
  • I wonder if there is a bulletproof way to specify cellspacing="0" and cellpadding="
  • HTML Design Not Working In IE: HTML & DESIGN. . height:10" bordercolor="#
  • hotspots work fine in Safari and Netscape but not at all in Explorer. Any ideas
  • In firefox it all sits wellIn IE (all versions), the middle table of brand gear seems to
  • Visit Dev Shed to discuss cell-spacing not working? . im wondering if its not just
  • It appears to me that IE9 does not recognize cellspacing. Anybody . Most
  • This works fine with IE7/older versions and am able to get a border for the .
  • The following snippet in IE7 sets cellspacing, but does not set cellpadding: $("<
  • Ironically enough, it works in IE 6 & 7. Is there a way to use the background
  • Adobe AIR Programming Unleashed: Working with Windows . look like in IE, but
  • If you're trying to eliminate cellspacing (i.e. cellspacing="0" ) then border-collapse
  • Oct 26, 2011 . This does not work when you're testing or sending your email. . Cellpadding and
  • Sep 11, 2008 . IE 6 not honoring CSS border-spacing and only cellspacing?how about . honor
  • google chrome seems to ignore cellpadding + cellspacing . in between. this
  • Jan 4, 2011 . You think IE is a pain in the butt? Wait until you . Cellpadding and cellspacing
  • Jun 7, 2011 . This will work in almost all popular browsers except for IE up through v7. . as it
  • RF-3750 SuggestionBox: "cellspacing" attribute does not work. RF-5395 . I also
  • padding table with css doesn't work on IE . This is not working on my IE: . Of
  • Discussions > Layouts & Templates > Cellspacing not working on FireFox.
  • Aug 6, 2009 . It is working fine in FF and Chrome but not working in IE. . <table width="995"
  • I'm quite familiar with the opacity (that's not the priority on this page), but the .
  • <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7"> But I would like to know.
  • [Archive] cellSpacing=0 & cellpadding=0 not working properly HTML & CSS. . I
  • javascript code not working in ie but working in firefox JavaScript. . border="0"
  • Feb 13, 2008 . cellspacing=10 when I call the class in the body? Add border-spacing: 10px (and
  • In FireFox it works 100% perfect but when I use Internet Explore it moves .
  • I have an odd problem with IE8, yet it works in IE6, IE7, Firefox, and every other
  • <table border="1" bordercolor="white" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="
  • in IE the cellspacing works fine, showing the lighter blue . right that it was
  • It's working the way I think it should in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. .
  • The cell spacing works fine when viewed with Internet Explorer but it does not
  • Nov 14, 2004 . <td width="94%" align="left" valign="top"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"
  • Achieving the effect similar to <table cellspacing="0"> with CSS doesn't work in
  • PS (2) In my experience, to work with IE, you need to keep 'cellspacing="0px"' in
  • All--. Please help. My cellspacing not working in FireFox. This is as of now, 2006-
  • Mar 10, 2007 . Cellspacing can also be omitted if you work with the border-collapsing model,
  • It can have an effect similar to HTML's cellspacing. . <length> (i.e. 2px); inherit .
  • Jun 6, 2004 . TMH Design [EMAIL-REMOVED]> wrote: > Can someone please tell me why not
  • Page not working with IE. . <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
  • It works in IE7, but not in other browsers. . .. "table" include: "align", "bgcolor", "
  • However I have not been able to find the answer on how to get border-collapse
  • Though Internet Explorer 9 supports the box-shadow CSS property there is a

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