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Dec 1, 2003 . Cell Analogies essays written by students. Edited and approved by our internal
The Cell Analogy . The wall around the city is like the cell membrane. . The cell
Nov 25, 2011 . Analogy: The cell membrane is like going through security at the airport. Cell Wall
a good analogy for a cell wall is either a city wall which protects the city from
Top questions and answers about Cell Wall Analogy. Find 2680 questions and
Your analogy must be clearly related to the function of the cell part. . Cell Wall.
6) Ask students if they think they can make any other analogies between a school
Cell membrane -> fence (let's what you want in go in and keeps other things out)
is useful to think of each one of your cells as a tiny factory. Read the factory
I HAVE TO MAKE AN ANALOGY FOR FOLLOWING!! cell membrane . cell wall
There is an example of comparing a cell to an ant colony on the wall, you may
Organelles in your analogy must be located in correct places and perform
Vocabulary words for analogy. Includes . Cell wall analogy? .
Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a protective outer covering called the cell
Merely draw the skin of a human. It relates to a cell wall in that it acts as
Cell Wall. School Wall. Cell Wall Analogy. The function of the cell wall is to
Page 2 of 3. A Tire and the Cell Wall-An Analogy. Cell walls act as rigid barriers
Find 383 questions and answers about Cell Analogies at Ask.com Read more. .
i need help on a cell analogy. . its an analogy between the cell and a city . the
Function of Cell Part. Part in City. Explain the analogy between the cell part and
Cell Wall = Doors of building. Lyosomes = garbage/ recycling bin. LB (lauren
The bigger the bulge, the weaker the wall and the more likely it will burst. .
What is a good cell school analogy using cell membrane cell wall . What is a
cell analogy examples plant cell analogies cell analogy car analogy of a cell
j. * Students know how eukaryotic cells are given shape and internal organization
Flashcards: Cell 5-1/5-2 - Analogy . Cell wall analogy? .
you will need to make analogies to compare the function of the plant cell to the .
Feb 23, 2010 . Extra Organelles: (choose a minimum of two to include in the analogy) Cell Wall (
It would be wise to discuss the definition of an analogy with the class. .
Cell wall. Analogy. 16. Think about it!! All the cells shown below have the parts
Life a box of analogies meaning. football analogies, analogy examples millers .
a good analogy for a cell wall is either a city wall which protects the city from
Well a cell wall protects the cell so you might want to go with the military if your
Cell as a school analogy . As a group, think of a system and create a cell
The analogies to “life inside castle walls” should help motivate a discussion as
Organelles: Plasma membrane (cell membrane), Cell wall, Nucleus, Nuclear
Plasma Membrane, Cilia/pili/flagella and Cell Wall if you are choosing a plant cell
Sep 30, 2011 . I. Functions of the cell wall: The cell wall serves a variety of purposes including:
Apartment Sample: Cell Analogy Project; Typical Plant Cell vs. My Apartment;
Cell Wall Analogy Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the
Pick Four Appropriate To Your Cell Type! cell or plasma membrane cell wall
Cell walls, as the city analogy implies, are much stronger than cell membranes
You must include analogies for each of the 12 organelles below. Cell Wall; Cell
Jan 4, 2010 . Criteria Analogies Appropriate and clear Correct format of comparisons Neat and
Well a cell wall protects the cell so you might want to go with the military if your
Jan 14, 2009 . For my analogy, I picked the analogy a cell is like a country. . .. Heavy critizism of
Cell Part. Function of Cell Part. Part in City. Explain the analogy between the cell
own body, each one carries out a specific function necessary for the cell to
The car also has something similar to the cell wall to support its structure. The
M. Cell Wall, Brick wall surrounding city, Gives shape, structure, support, and .