Other articles:
Aug 18, 2003 . After reading Moses Avalon's critique of the CD Baby Digital Distribution Contract
Sell just a single song directly on cdbaby.com and/or through any of their digital
SVP of Business Development and Digital Distribution. CD Baby. Privately Held;
CD Baby's e-commerce platform specializes in the sale and distribution of
Apr 26, 2010 . (UPDATED) Online independent music distribution service CD Baby has added a
I am looking into online digital distribution and I was wondering if anyone could
May 10, 2011 . This discussion has mainly been about digital distribution, but don't forget with
Now live! Q&A with legendary engineer Al Schmitt, who has won Grammy awards
Mar 16, 2006 . New CD Baby digital distribution agreement – Major changes: 1) now specifically
Jul 3, 2007 . Public Enemy will release its next album via TuneCore, a digital distributor. If you'
Jul 18, 2003 . CD Baby has partnered with Royalty Review Council to offer royalty accounting
distribution costs. I have signed CD Baby's Digital Distribution Agreement. Can I
Posted in Articles, Distribution with tags business model, CD Baby, digital
My band just completed a new album, and although we're signing with a
My band submitted our album for digital distribution with CD Baby today. I realize
Jan 20, 2010 . You are here: Home / Archives for cdbaby . In this new industry digital
Feb 16, 2011 . Your additional thoughts are also welcome! note: while CD Baby offer distribution
May 16, 2011 . We are just certain that CD Baby offers the best value for DIY and independent
CD and MP3 digital distribution – CD Baby, iTunes. Infernal Tenebra's latest
Sean McManus interviews jazz artist Andrea Mann about how she used CD Baby
Listen to and buy Teliof music on CD Baby. Download Is it? (Digital distribution)
CD Baby or ReverbNation for Digital Distribution? Looking to put some of my
Welcome to the CD Baby Artist Digital Distribution Agreement ("Agreement"). This
Nov 16, 2011 . As always, there's no additional fee for the delivery of your music to a new digital
“7 years and 12 albums later, CD Baby remains our number one resource when it
Apr 21, 2012 . Digital Distribution companies such as TuneCore, CDBaby, SongCast,
Does anyone have experience using a digital distribution service like say
How to Sell Your Music on CDBaby.com. Want to sell your CDs and get digital
In 2004, CD Baby began offering a digital distribution service. By opting in to their
Jan 9, 2012 . I recently blogged comparing digital distribution companies CD Baby and
Jun 22, 2010 . Need to get your music selling online? https://members.cdbaby.com/ - This video
Not bad, especially when you consider that your CD Baby membership is free
Nov 7, 2011 . http://members.cdbaby.com - Having trouble choosing a digital distribution level?
Mar 27, 2009 . For 1000s of its Digital Distribution Clients? By Moses Avalon. In part one we
CD Baby distributes music to over 60 digital music retail stores. Sell your music members.cdbaby.com/digital-distributi. CD Baby | FAQCurrent Numbers 360000 different albums sold by artists at CD Baby Over 3
Mar 9, 2012 . Visit their site for more information. I really like CDBaby and I don't think it's just
For many years, MP3.com was my #1 choice for online music distribution.
There's actually nothing illegal happening here *IF* the digital distribution
What's more, the digital distribution service is free for CD Baby members; check
Sell your MP3 album on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Facebook, Spotify and more when
TUNECORE. CD Baby. Digital distribution: encodes and delivers your music to
CDBaby.net has also posted details of their Digital Distribution program -- which
Jul 7, 2008 . I personally prefer CDBaby. You're absolutely correct in that you have to do the
CD Baby offers an easy option for indie labels to get their music into the hands of
Feb 18, 2005 . Magnatune signs digital distribution deal with CDBABY. Magnatune has signed a
The thing that worries me about CDBaby concerning digital distribution is that
CDBaby TuneCore ReverbNation Cost per Album $39. One time charge. $49.99
Jul 20, 2010 . For the sake of this article, I'm simply going to focus on the two most popular
Through our partnership with CD Baby, they will encode your music and