Jan 13, 12
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  • This chart includes a list of non-edible poisonous flowers by .
  • Aug 19, 2009 . One of the best exceptions, however, is the Carolina jessamine . the sweet
  • Texas Poison Control Network Logo - for emergency help, call 1-800- .
  • Complete description of the Confederate Jasmine (Jasminoides) including plant
  • This page contains information on how to idenfity poisonous plants such as .
  • Apr 14, 2004 . The latter description may have arisen because Carolina Jessamine is laden with
  • Common catbrier. Common staghorn fern. Common greenbrier. Confederate
  • South Carolina State Flower – Yellow Jessamine, Carolina Jasmine . delicate,
  • Steadman Shorter's Medical Dictionary, Poisons & Antidotes: Gelsemium . in the
  • How much DO the Carolina Panthers make? 100000000. Is star jasmine
  • I was gifted 2 Carolina Jasmine plants by a well meaning person who thought I
  • English-English translation for Carolina yellow jasmine, evening trumpet flower,
  • . jessamine or jasmine, Carolina jasmine or jessamine, evening trumpetflower,
  • An easy to understand guide to growing and caring for Carolina Jasmine plants,
  • Confederate Jasmine. Additional Common Names: Star Jasmine; Scientific
  • "Poisonous Plants of North Carolina," Dr. Alice B. Russell, Department of
  • 1. poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having
  • Carolina Jasmine, Virginia Creeper, Trumpet Creeper, Morning Glory, Catbriars,
  • Source:
  • Top questions and answers about Carolina Jasmine Poisonous. Find 35
  • Jan 21, 2004 . Precatory Bean shrub: beans are very toxic, especially if broken or chewed. . .
  • Jan 19, 2010 . The flowers, leaves, and roots are poisonous and may be lethal to livestock .
  • Carolina jasmine - poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United
  • . and just found out this afternoon that confederated jasmine is TOXIC to bees. .
  • Here's a link. being that the same species can have different affects ..go to your
  • Carolina Jasmine. (also known as Evening Trumpet Flower, Woodbine, Yellow
  • Carolina Jasmine; False Jasmine; Woodbine; Yellow Jasmine; Yellow Jessamine
  • The nectar of the fragrant flowers of Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens,
  • However, every part of Carolina jasmine, including its flowers, is poisonous.
  • Apr 28, 2008 . I have just planted two Carolina jasmine vines on an arbor. I am now told that it is
  • Dec 22, 2011 . Caladium - Is a houseplant that is poisonous in its entirety. Carolina Jessamine -
  • Listed here are plants poisonous or toxic to cats that must be avoided if there are
  • PlantFiles: Confederate Jasmine, Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides .
  • All parts of the Jasmine plant are extremely toxic to dogs. They will usually
  • YELLOW JASMINE (CAROLINA JASMINE) All parts of this popular tall, woody
  • I just got a Carolina Jasmine - was tempeted to get it when I read it is evergreen .
  • Is Confederate Jasmine or Wandering Jew toxic to dogs? Dog health - Ask
  • Carolina jasmine is poisonous and should be avoided if you have small children.
  • okay, so i had another goat get into a plant and i am not sure if it is really
  • Carolina jasmine - poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United
  • An evergreen perennial often found growing wild in the southeastern United
  • Fortunately, the Sierra company now offers a far less toxic form of anti-freeze. . .
  • In fact, Gelsemium is highly poisonous while Jasmine is used in tea. Add to My
  • Table 4. Poisonous climbing plants. Common name. Botanical name. Description
  • Carolina Jasmine. (Gelsemium sempervirens). Carolina Jasmine is poisonous if
  • Confederate Jasmine, Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) - All parts
  • Is the Carolina jasmine poisonous and if so is it poisonous to the touch or only if
  • Beware, the nectar of the fragrant flowers of Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium
  • Aug 15, 2008 . BTW, confederate jasmine is sometimes called star jasmine. I say go for it, good

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