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Dec 13, 2006 . Two chemosensory receptors together mediate carbon dioxide detection in
Carbon dioxide: Peripheral chemoreceptors also monitor the carbon dioxide
The researchers identified the odor molecules that affect the mosquitoes' carbon
The sense of balance is centered in the semicircular canals of the inner ear.
Chemoreceptors detect the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. To do this, they
Jan 4, 2011 . Receptor-type guanylate cyclase is required for carbon dioxide sensation by
Oct 2, 2011 . carbon dioxide receptors in mosquito enable it to respond quickly despite the
Jun 2, 2011 . The odor molecules they identified disrupt receptor cells for carbon dioxide
Dec 13, 2006 . Identification of carbon dioxide receptors in insects may help fight infectious
Matula (1911) believed that the head of Aeschna nymphs contained carbon-
During exercise, the increased activity of the muscles increases oxygen
May 29, 2011 . About 85% of our drive to breathe comes from carbon dioxide receptors that
Carotid body chemoreceptors. Aortic body chemoreceptors. Chemoreceptors in
Evidence for oxygen and carbon dioxide receptors in insect CNS influencing
Jun 2, 2011 . When they sense carbon dioxide, they whip around and fly upwind, . own odor
Since Drosophila also smell carbon dioxide, and use it as a component of a
A heterodimer of the insect chemoreceptors Gr21a and Gr63a has been shown to
Publication » Receptor-type guanylate cyclase is required for carbon dioxide
The carotid and aortic bodies are small pieces of tissue that contain
General senses: e.g. touch, heat, pain, pressure. Receptors can be classified
(1990) Bogner. Journal of Insect Physiology. Read by researchers in: 100%
This receptor displays extremely high primary amino acid conservation with
Apr 12, 2011 . The mosquitoes' carbon dioxide receptors are located in tiny, antennae-like
The discovery of a pair of receptors that enable fruit flies to sense carbon
Jun 1, 2011 . The odor molecules that the researchers identified work by affecting the
Aug 11, 2011 . A recent paper published in Nature (474:87-91) looked for molecules that would
They are small pieces of tissue containing chemoreceptors that respond to the
Jun 1, 2011 . The odor molecules that the researchers identified work by affecting the
will have high carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood, causing the carbon
ive to ten billion tons of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel based energy production
Jan 4, 2007 . Two chemosensory receptors together mediate carbon dioxide detection in
May 3, 2011 . The receptor receives information about the parameter being regulated, .
Adult and larval insects are rapidly anesthetized by carbon dioxide (CO2);
The Role of Central Chemoreceptors in Carbon Dioxide Excretion. If you've ever
A heterodimer of the insect chemoreceptors Gr21a and Gr63a has been shown to
Obviously, should carbon dioxide be poisonous, it would be normal to have it as
The Calvin cycle converts carbon dioxide to what? G3P molecules which . What
Sep 30, 2011 . The mosquitoes' carbon dioxide receptors allow the insects to respond almost
Jun 2, 2011 . The first set inhibits mosquitoes' and flies' carbon-dioxide receptors. The second
caterpillars: in search of the CO2-receptor. Tiss Cell 28:703717, with permission
Jan 27, 2011 . Two chemosensory receptors together mediate carbon dioxide detection in
Jun 1, 2011 . The odor molecules that the researchers identified work by affecting the
Central Chemoreceptors: Effect of PCO2. The most important factor controlling
Dec 28, 2009 . But other plants with weaker carbon dioxide receptors are not able to detect the
16, pp. 99 to 108. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain WATER VAPOUR
Receptor-type guanylate cyclase is required for carbon dioxide sensation by
Carbon dioxide (CO,) is known to serve as a sensory stimulus for several insects.
Stimulation of the carbon dioxide receptors revealed uniform response to
The hypoxic drive is a form of respiratory drive in which the body uses oxygen
Jan 31, 2011 . CO(2) is both a critical regulator of animal physiology and an important