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Calaustrea (known as candy cane coral and also known as trumpet coral) is a
Common Names: torch coral, candy cane coral, candy coral, trumpet coral,
Live Coral Frags and Supplies. Are You Salty? Best Prices and Service, Hands
Reviews for Candy Cane Coral - The Caulastrea Candy Cane Coral is a large
6 days ago . I have had this candy cane frag about 3 month it was doing real good , now all of
Mar 24, 2012 . A few weeks ago I bought a frag of candy cane coral. I've read all over that you
Oct 6, 2009 . I'm not sure how candy cane coral grows. I've had the thought that maybe a head
The Caulastrea Candy Cane Coral is a hardy LPS coral often referred to as the
CultivatedReef.com Neon Candy Cane Coral - Caulastrea echinulata - The Neon
NATURAL HABITAT: These species are found in Australian waters, throughout
Apr 17, 2012 . http://www.salt-city.org/gallery/files/3/2/0/2/kryptonitecc.jpg Kryptonite Candy
These corals, a.k.a. Trumpet Corals, have branching individual stalk skeletons
Candy Cane Coral (Caulastrea furcata). Candy Cane Coral · View larger image.
The Candy Cane Coral gets it's common name from the alternating stripes on it's
Hello. I found that my candy cane coral has a brown spot on the skelton and it
Candy Cane Coral The Candy Cane Coral is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral
Mar 17, 2012 . Trumpet Coral Colony. The Trumpet coral gets its name from the way the skeletal
Feb 17, 2012 . I have some candy cane coral (aka trumpet coral) and I read that feeding it
how long will they sulk for it had a little die off but nothing it cant recover from it
picked up a small 4 head frag of this on the weekend just looking for advice on
I had bought some candy cane coral from live aquaria and when it got here it
Candycane Coral Caulastrea furcata at Animal-World includes Bullseye Coral
A couple of months ago, I purchased a candy cane at my lfs as one my first corals
hey everyone i was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of a clownfish
the Caulastrea Furcata - Candy Cane Coral group icon . Candy Cane Coral with
I receive a candy candy coral the other day. It has 3 heads, I believe the 3rd head
All Categories. Home > WYSIWYG Corals > LPS & Soft Coral > Candy Cane
I have had a candy cane coral for a few weeks now and it has algae growth on it
May 11, 2012 . It's curious if it looks ok to you, I've had it for 5 months since then it has grown
Candy Cane (Caulastrea) coral generally make a good coral for beginners as
Large Polyp Stony (LPS) Coral Round polyps can be emphasized through actinic
Buy Candy Cane coral from SS Coral Farm, your source for live coral frags and
May 15, 2012 . i am looking to buy white, pink , red , green candy cane coral / Trumpet coral .. let
Candy Cane Coral Dead? Help! - a month ago we purchased 2 heads of a candy
Candy Cane Coral-Green Center (Caulastrea furcata) is a peaceful, carnivore,
Caulastrea Class Anthozoa, Order Scleractinia, Family Faviidae, Genus
Notes: Kryptonite Candy Cane Coral got its name because of how it resembles
Add to Wishlist. Candy Coral is a great stony coral to begin with. The varied
How often does everyone feed thier candy cane? I'm feeding mine myesis they
Apr 10, 2012 . A small group of 3 heads of candy cane corals expanded and collecting food out
Candy Cane Coral-These corals, a.k.a. Trumpet Corals, have branching
Dec 24, 2009 . Being the season, the candy cane coral, Caulastrea furcata, was chosen for this
This demonstration will show you how to propagate caulastrea (common name
I am looking for green and blue center striped candy canes. .. PM me with what
hi all, i have a bright green candy cane coral that recently (last week or two)
I have been feeding my candy cane coral a variety of foods, in the morning when
Candy Cane. Photo by: Mirepa Photo by: spllbnd2. Scientific Name Caulastrea (