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However, both spellings, canceled and cancelled, are acceptable standard
Mar 24, 2005 . The differences between British and American spelling. . frequent flier knows,
Re: Why are these words spelled like this? [nq:2]I'd appreciate an explanation of
Answer: Improve. The American English spelling is "canceled" - without a
I've seen many Americans preferring British spelling when they write: cancelled (
Apr 19, 2011 . In American and Canadian English, spelt means exclusively a hardy wheat
There are several spelling rules that differ between American and . the British
If you're blogging primarily for Canadians, then use the Canadian spelling. If
Turns out they are both correct spellings depending on where you come from.
Find 8687 questions and answers about Correct Spelling of Cancelled at Ask.
Which is the correct spelling cancelled or canceled? In the US, you would use
canceled. British Spelling cancelled http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
Apr 3, 2007 . words) with U.S. English spelling as opposed to British > English. The root > word
Jan 24, 2011 . “Canceled” is the preferred American spelling and “cancelled” is the British form
Canadian and American English may sound very similar, but the spellings used
Rod Tilyard added a comment - 28/Oct/11 4:11 AM Canceled is the preferred
Examples of spelling differences between British English and .
The English Spelling Society. Home · About . [This article is a sequel to
In the US, you would use canceled and in the UK the variant cancelled. .
The British spellings are cancelled and cancelling, and the US spellings are
would it be because cancelled is English spelling and canceled is US spelling ?
Ok, Firstly, Canada does not use 'British Spellings' they use a . can see theatre,
If you set your local to US English (as you've said you did above) then the
Is the spelling of 'cancelled' with 2 l's British or American English? Improve. In:
Canadian, British and American Spelling Basic English Spelling .
For guidelines on dialects and spelling in the English-language version of . ..
U.S. Spelling versus British and. Canadian Spellings. If you enjoy reading and
It can be spelled C-A-N-C-E-L-E-D, which is the American version, or it can be
This English spelling course has been written in the UK, by a teacher from the .
The 1-1-1 Rule. There is one "rule" in English spelling that holds 100% of the
Yes! And most of your American words with ize's in them have ise's. I often
I believe this is a British English vs American English spelling issue. Travel /
Mar 1, 2011. until set and folded over, Australian, British, and Canadian writers prefer the
The past tense of cancel is strictly cancelled in British English (BrE). In American
Nov 27, 2009 . Kathi, "cancelled" is the British spelling, and "canceled" is the American spelling. I
Aug 29, 2011 . Toward is more common in American English, but towards is by no means
Canadian, British and American Spelling Words Beginning with .
Many non-Commonwealth English-speaking countries, such as the Philippines
Spelling, British Spelling. canceled, cancelled. center, centre. check, cheque.
Jul 5, 2011 . What caused Americans to move away from the general English spelling
Dictionary of English - spelling rules . fall on the last syllable: cancel – cancelled
UK US cancellation cancellation (OR cancelation) Spellings like travelling,
British English vs Americian English spelling on a .com domain. . BE: travelled,
Jan 2, 1999 . Not all English-speaking countries follow the same spelling system. Differences
Dec 7, 2006 . This is a British English spelling database for the LexSpell spelling checker. . is
Note the spelling of 'ise' instead of 'ize' on the end of many of these words. In
Canadian English generally follows British spelling, but often the American
Sep 28, 2011 . favourite and favorite; cancelled and canceled; dialogue and dialog . In the late
See cancel defined for English-language learners » . My IE-spell spell checker
Apr 2, 2008 . Answers accepts "canceled", but marks double-L as a spelling error (at least .