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Note: This page is part of the section about the structure and function of different
(1996) Yumoto et al. Liver. Read by researchers in: 100% Biological Sciences.
which retain three-dimensional architecture and hepatocyte specific functions. In
Its primary function is to collect and transport the bile produced by hepatocytes, or
by continuous light. Plants were trans- ferred daily into fresh medium (4); they
\s=b\Canalicular function during acute herpetic keratoconjunctivitis was investi-
Results: In the HCC group, a canalicular staining pattern was found for CD13, . ..
Original Article. Determination of the function of a repaired canaliculus after
It has a wide range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and .
Byand canaliculi during the lacunar-canaliculi are connections between . a
To examine the detailed functions of the canalicular contractions, we analyzed
Mar 10, 2002 . Primary hepatocytes self-assemble into spheroids that possess tight junctions
Definition of Lacrimal canaliculi in the Medical Dictionary. Lacrimal . pl. apparaŽ
(1989) Li, Yin. Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi Chinese Journal Of Ophthalmology. Past
Aug 16, 2005 . Solute transport through the bone lacunar-canalicular system is believed to be
microfilaments to the cell periphery was observed and coincided with the develop
Mar 5, 2008 . The multiple functions of the liver are carried out mainly by two types of .
However, the concern with this technique is the potential damage to the
Canaliculus definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
The effects of cytochalasin B and colchicine on the structure and function of bile
Hepatocytes secrete bile into bile canaliculi by a still unknown mechanism. . as
Morphological and functional transformation of the . This stimulation involves a
Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-function-of-canaliculi.
study of the disruption of canalicular function induced by hepatotoxic (Fentem et
(2002) Takakuwa et al. Cell and Tissue Research. Read by researchers in: 100%
What is the function of canaliculi? ChaCha Answer: What are the functions of bile
Dec 7, 1998 . The canaliculi function to secrete and concentrate components of the bile and to
The indication for ■ secondary Jones tube placement is a functional failure after
These results show that microtubule disruption does not inhibit the structural
Jan 4, 2012 . This photo demonstrates normal anatomy and function of the eyelid. Canalicular
Nov 21, 2002 . The biliary canalicular function of rat hepatocyte couplets was more sensitive to
Contractility of Bile Canaliculi: Implications for Liver Function. Authors: Oshio, C.;
The basolateral and canalicular membranes differ in their biochemical
We hypothesized that the function of both sinusoidal and canalicular transporters
Bile canaliculi are small channels formed by modifications of the plasma .
canaliculi function in sandwich-cultured hepatocytes. Effects on biliary function of
In this study, we investigated the detailed structure and function of bile canaliculi
What is the function canaliculi in the bone? In: Skeletal System [Edit categories].
Top questions and answers about Function of Canaliculi. Find 8 questions and
Canaliculi. Bile duct. Hepatic artery branch. Inlet venule. Portal vein branch. Inlet
May 29, 1981 . Abstract. Dynamic contractions of bile canaliculi were observed in groups of
The cellular component is vital to bone function, as we'll see, but in terms of the
Ectonucleotidases, purine nucleoside transporter, and function of the bile
What is the function of the central canal and canaliculi? In: Human Anatomy,
The Functional Significance of Bile Canalicular Nucleosidephosphatase Activity*.
Bile canaliculi act as ducts that collect bile secreted from hepatic cells. What is
Vascular functions, including formation of lymph and the hepatic phagocytic . by
Based on previous studies on the unique lacunar-canaliculi structure with the .
What-Is-the-Function-of-the-Canaliculi - What is the function canaliculi in the
Jan 28, 2006 . Functions of the skeletal system are: . Osteocytes extend processes through