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Jan 4, 2012 . As I'm sure you Comcast users have noticed, they're now charging us a $7/month
EMTA Phone Device Lease. Digital Cable Terminal. Digital Cable Terminal (HD/
Our mission is to provide the best price for the best quality Modem Router, Cable
Sep 16, 2009 . Cable modems were over $130 5 years ago. Now days it maybe smarter to
Jun 29, 2011 . this month my provider charter cable, will be raising the monthly fee for my speed
Aug 3, 2010 . With Comcast Cable and Comcast High-Speed Internet . . High-Speed Internet,
Nov 28, 2007 . It took a malfunction in my cable tv for me to even look at the bill. . . The cost of
This Motorola Docsis 2.0 Cable Modem uses SNMP and TFTP to allow remote
If you subscribe to Comcast cable Internet service, you probably are leasing a
Motorola SB6121 SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem · 4.5 out of 5 . I
Jun 12, 2002 . A price restructuring will "save" cable modem renters $7 per month while . But
eBay: The Linksys Cable Modem is an easy and affordable way to get a . me a
May 10, 2011 . Other coverage you may enjoy: Time Warner Cable Increasing Road . Regular
7. What if I already have a cable modem? You may use your own modem and
Jun 21, 2006 . First off, is it better for me to buy a cable modem vs. lease? . Renting from
Mar 1, 2011 . My practical experience with these Motorola Cable modems would say you can
If so, the company's probably charging you a fee to rent that small piece of
The new gateway provides a DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem, Wireless Router and
Sep 4, 2011 . I have Comcast and own my own cable modem. I do not pay the monthly fee. If
Apr 29, 2010 . The problem is, I bought the modem long before I started receiving . the monthly
Sep 16, 2009 . —>Comcast is going to start rolling out a $2 fee hike across the country this fall,
I have a cable modem from them, which I lease for $7/mo. . (telephony) modems
All you need is a WildBlue mini dish and a WildBlue modem. . Customers pay a
Mar 4, 2012 . Cable Modem buy vs lease? . Funny thing the 3mbps DSL price is the same as
Rates & Pricing. . Time Warner Cable. |Español · Do you want .
Sep 20, 2007 . I do not know about Charter, but most cable modems will work on various cables
Motorola SB6121 SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem · 4.5 out of 5 . . Price
Jul 7, 2010 . I told them I would buy my own Linksys cable modem so that I won't have to pay
Feb 4, 2010 . A few months after Comcast started doubling high-speed Internet speeds for
Cable ONE has decided to make it easier to save more on High Speed Internet
Nov 9, 2009 . Charter just sent me a notice about raising the cable modem lease fee so I
Sep 15, 2009 . Comcast this fall will increase the monthly lease fee for cable modems to $5
Jun 10, 2011 . Buy vs lease cable modem? 18 posts • Page . . As a Comcast subscriber, I seem
I have cable from Comcast and recently my mom realized we pay a fee monthly
Sep 20, 2011 . What is the EMTA Lease Fee? Motorola SB6120 Surfboard DOCSIS 3.0 Extreme
Jan 17, 2011 . {I had never seen where they offer to let us buy a cable modem and use it instead
Jan 30, 2011. $7 per month for many years (?7) to rent a cable modem which is on . this out
If you are already leasing a wireless router from Comcast, then you may keep it
Sep 2, 2009 . While Comcast isn't raising the monthly Internet fee, it is raising the lease fee for
A: Yes, the combined installation and equipment lease fee is $100 ($65 modem
Jan 18, 2011 . The letter goes on to say they are going to send me a replacement modem at no
I ordered this modem hoping to replace the leased modem from Comcast to save
Charter also provides and installs in the home a telephone modem, or
Jan 1, 2003 . Forum discussion: I sent the following message to Adelphia's Customer Service
Mediacom Online service provides Internet access through a CableLabs certified
This Motorola Docsis 2.0 Cable Modem uses SNMP and TFTP to allow remote
Sep 18, 2011 . Then there is the modem fee. . Even the most expensive cable modem I could
Cable Modem/Advanced Modem Lease Fee, $5.00. Wireless Cable Modem/
The revenue forecast includes the monthly service cost for the cable modem. .
Dec 18, 2011 . You don't have to spend $70+ on a new modem if your leased one breaks. •Cons