May 15, 12
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  • Equus caballus explanation. Definition of Equus caballus is provided by 1913
  • Definition of Equus caballus przevalskii in the Dictionary.
  • Definition of equus caballus przewalskii in the dictionary. .
  • LOOK IT UP. VOCABULARY LISTS. Search Results; Advanced . of Equus Caballus from dictionary.netA hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially, the domestic horse (Equus
  • Equus caballus definition at, a free online dictionary with
  • Equus caballus. definition, pronunciation, synonyms, related terms, notations,
  • Meaning: Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric
  • caballus according to the free Latin Dictionary. a - Cachedcaballus - Wiktionarycaballus. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
  • Aedes Caballus meaning , Definition of aedes caballus , what is aedes caballus ,
  • caballus - definition, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. . caballus (definition).
  • Drug slang A regional term for heroin. Infectious disease A hoofed ungulate
  • equus caballus. Quick definition. noun. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped
  • Definition of Equus caballus gomelini in the Dictionary.
  • Definition of Aedes caballus. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and
  • PegasusandCrow Two Konik horse (equus caballus) stallions fighting, wild herd
  • Definition of Equus caballus – Our online dictionary has Equus caballus
  • Wild horse of central Asia that resembles an ass; now - CachedWhat is the definition of equus caballus gomelini? - True KnowledgeBy calculation (generator: [""]) I know
  • Definition: e caballus . A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially, the
  • EQUUS CABALLUS Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary. . It's all symbolic.
  • Definition of equus caballus gomelini in the dictionary. Meaning of
  • equus caballus przewalskii. Quick definition. noun. wild horse of central Asia that
  • View definition and meaning of equus caballus . - Cachedequus caballus - definition and meaningsolid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric - Cachedcaballus - definition and meaning“Not only is the horse recognizable as an actual Equus caballus - rather than a
  • EQUUS CABALLUS PRZEWALSKII. Dictionary entry overview: What does Equus
  • Dictionary - Definition of equus caballus equus%20caballus%20przevalskiiequus caballus - definitions and related words on rotascope.comequus caballus is a type of: equine, equid (noun) - hoofed mammals having
  • Equus caballus przewalskii (subspecies). Definition: Wild horse distinguished by
  • Free online translation of equus caballus. Advertising ▼ . translation of equus
  • Equus caballus przewalskii - wild horse of central Asia that resembles an ass;
  • Dictionary - Definition of Equus caballus. . Definition: Equus caballus. Part of
  • We found 10 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word equus
  • Definition of. Equus Caballus Przewalskii. (noun, animal) wild horse of central
  • Definition of Equus caballus with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage
  • Feb 13, 2012 . "E. caballus" definition: a solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped domesticated
  • 2 Feb 2010 . This is a page about equus caballus. This page includes the Etymology and
  • Search Dictionary. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free
  • Aedes caballus definition from the mondofacto online medical - CachedDefinition of caballus (noun) - Numen - The Latin Lexicon - An . caballus, i, m., = καβάλλης [perh. Celtic; hence Ital. cavallo, Fr. cheval, Engl.
  • The noun equus caballus przewalskii has 1 senses? (no senses from tagged
  • Medical Definition of Aedes caballus. 1. A species that is an important vector of
  • definition of equus caballus - solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated
  • Definition of caballus is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical
  • caballus Definition, Definition caballus, Caballus - Definition for Caballus at
  • Noun, 1. Equus caballus - solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped . - Cached - SimilarEquus caballus definition of Equus caballus in the Free Online . horse, hoofed, herbivorous mammal now represented by a single extant genus,
  • The horse (Equus ferus caballus) is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus,

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