Other articles:
Jan 16, 2012 . The attached charts of ArcelorMittal (World No1 player) and US Steel . is the
marine diesel and intermediate fuel oil (IFO) bunker fuel. II. Crude Oil . .. Table 1:
Dec 29, 2011 . As I mentioned, there is not a clear and direct link between crude oil prices and
Dec 3, 2009 . Table 14. U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Adjustments for U.S. Territories and
May 1, 2012 . To view the relevant Bunker Fuel Surcharge table click on the pdf file on the right:
News; Prices; Fuel Quality; Directory · Map . The differential graph shows the
Analysis & trends for Bloomberg Weighted Average 380cST Bunker Fuel Price (
Jan 18, 2011 . DNVPS charts 30 years of progress in the bunker testing business . The DNV
Analysis & trends for Bloomberg 380 Centistoke Bunker Fuel Spot Price/
Residual Fuel Oil > Bunkers (most recent) by country. Residual Fuel Oil >
Dec 6, 2009 . measurement of the fuel in mass ensured that the bunker fuel's characteristics –
Every time a vessel bunkers it is at risk of bunkering a bad fuel. Vessels are
TSA Fuel Price-Bunker Charge Conversion Table. Average, Bunker Charge for
Chart: China's Bunker Fuel Consumption by Region in 2011 3. Chart: China's .
Feb 28, 2012 . An example of how the maritime industry can hedge bunker fuel (also . As the
Sep 1, 2009 . The CHART OF THE DAY shows the cost of bunker fuel in the benchmark
Under Maritime, the table which displays bunker fuel grades, the author seems to
This model is designed for large cargo ships and other ocean-going ships which
Sep 12, 2011 . lNg could become the “next” bunker fuel, which would substantially . .. without
bunker fuel for years on end, yet pay . their fuel consumption, which allows .
Rising fuel costs — a common topic around the breakfast table — have . me this
Thus, as shown in the table below, a $740.65 per ton fuel price = a $648/FEU
#2 Light Fuel Oil. #6 Bunker C Fuel Oil. Propane. Coal m 3. Mcf. Ccf. Imp.Gal litre.
GAC BUNKER FUELS. Arranging the best quality fuel to be supplied to
4.5 Characterization of health risks from adding used oil to bunker fuel . . . . . .
Chart: Distribution of Bonded Bunker Fuel Supply Sites in Bohai Bay, Yangtze
1 day ago . Home; Bunker Fuel; Tankers. May 23, 2012. Platts Marine. Marine News. Clean
Knowledge of bunker fuel viscosity is important for several reasons, as it . Some
There is no debate that the cruise line's use of bunker fuels and other high sulfur
BP PLUS Bunker Fuel Card for trucks and buses . Monitor and control all your
May 07, 2012 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- CPC Corp.'s Daily
Apr 1, 2010 . Table 3. Average bunker fuel prices at select bunkering ports (1998-2008) . . . .
May 03, 2012 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) --. CPC Corp.'s Daily
Jan 31, 2011 . 2.1 Bunker fuel prices. Bunker fuel prices are based in US Dollars. We have
Chart 2 shows the divergence in price movement between bunker fuel prices and
Mar 27, 2012 . (See a related chart: Rotterdam, Gibraltar, Istanbul 380 CST high sulfur bunker
(A) Use Volume VIII, Tables 53B and 54B (or Volume II, Tables 5B and 6B) for all
Mar 29, 2010 . This graph divides Chinese fuel consumption by light distillates, middle . and
Nov 29, 2007 . InTech e-News chart: Bunker fuel, emissions. . InTech e-News chart: Bunker fuel
Jul 25, 2010 . The bottom from a visbreaker can be mixed with other light oils and used as
2 hrs ago, Americas, Bunker prices in the Americas continue to soften. 8 hrs ago,
tractiveness of export and domestic sales (see table on p3). Bunker fuel
Nov 29, 2007 . InTech e-News chart: Bunker fuel, emissions. . InTech e-News chart: Bunker fuel
2.1 Summary of the Bunker Fuel Demand Modeling Approach. . . that total ECA
Real-time rate chart for Bloomberg 380 Centistoke Bunker Fuel Spot Price/
Table 1 shows the evolu- tion of bunker prices (380 CST grade–CST refers to the
Chart: China's Bunker Fuel Consumption in 2010– by Region (Total/Bonded/
charts showing fuel consumption for container ships below a speed of 16 knots (
Bunker fuel prices and news from Platts, provides you with industry insights. Visit