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I buy stuff from knifekits.com and have the kydex press and rivet press to make
My new Kydex press i've constructed. Works great and costs next to nothing. If
Kydex - .93"? Rivets - What size? Rivet tools - whats the best tool set for riveting
KnifeKits.com : Designer Knife Kits - Knife Making Supplies . kydex from
Sep 28, 2008 . For those who doesn't have a clue what Kydex is, here is some info about it. .
Also show how to build your own kydex press and give you a design that can be
I am selling my kydex press and what supplies i have left over. I bought this stuff
To make the press needed to form the KYDEX sheet, all you need is two 12" x 12"
Then I started looking into DIY Kydex stuff and designed and built a little kydex
Jul 18, 2010. the right mind to grind. you can always make a chepaskate kydex press. .
Also show how to build your own kydex press and give you a design that can be
Feb 10, 2011 . http://knifedogs.com/showthread.php?1687-Building-a-Kydex-press-and-making-
Well here are a few pictures of my home made Kydex press and my first ever try
Kydex Press made at home. Here is an improvised Kydex Press that I use, and it
I just got the stuff to make a kydex press and a few sheets of kydex. When I'm
. the right mind to grind. you can always make a chepaskate kydex press. .
I'm looking to possibly make this a hobby because I can't find. . For a kydex
Is there any other good source for the foam used in a kydex press? I am making a
I couldn't find anyone who make a kydex rig for my particular gun a . flexible
Well, I got my foam on Friday, and the rest of it I scrounged the scrap bins at my
Also show how to build your own kydex press and give you a design that can be
X. How to Make a KYDEX Press for Sheathing Knives. Must See: Slide Shows.
Feb 11, 2011 . You should also have your Vice/C-Clamps and Foam Press within arms . For
The CKK sheath molding press is the industry standard in thermoplastic forming
I prepared a Kydex Press with 2 wooden boards, some shipping foam that resists
Kydex Press - Make one yourself! Making a Kydex sheath is easy. Making a good
If you have found the collection of leatherwork videos helpful and would like to
Im starting to do kydex I have played around with it. Now I want to build a press. I
You can build a Kydex press for somewhere in the range of $35. Probably spend
kydex press for knife sheaths. the one I have seen in the knife making catalogs is
Kydex Press. . You need to start with some 3/4" plywood (a 24" X 48" piece will
Description: If you have found the collection of leatherwork videos helpful and
Well, KnifeKits.com had one of their Kydex presses on sale in their scratch and
Started making a few knifes a few months ago. and found i needed sheaths for
First time on DIY Tactical. I have just started making (kind of a stretch) kydex
Hi Folks. We have had so many requests for a kydex forming press so we went
If you have found the collection of leatherwork videos helpful and would like to
Sep 27, 2010 . It's simple and fast to build and costs under $15.00. This press will mold ABS or
Dec 21, 2010 . A Kydex press normally costs from $80 to $180 depending on size, but it is a
The materials are pretty simple for this kydex press. 3/4" plywood. I bought a 2'x4'
How to Make a KYDEX Press for Sheathing Knives. KYDEX is a thermoplastic
Jan 5, 2008 . Ok, so I am really interested in making my own kydex stuff. I figure . Is that
. the right mind to grind. you can always make a chepaskate kydex press. .
Apr 28, 2012 . How to make kydex press. Instructions on how to make your own kydex press to
How to Make a KYDEX Press for Sheathing Knives. KYDEX is a thermoplastic
Does anyone know of a source for a used kydex press? . Use them to build a
Well, I had a "Monday" today in the shop. Had big plans for finishing all the kydex
Jan 16, 2012 . Knife Making channel http://www.youtube.com/user/KaiserKnives WEBSITE: http:/