Other articles:
Oct 29, 2011 . icon: "https://eliste.homelinux.com/bugzilla/skins/standard/index/front.png",.
Feb 18, 2011 . Bugzilla/Products and components. From MediaWiki.org. < Bugzilla. Jump to: .
Apr 23, 2009 . I figured I'd share some work I started last month on a new non-default skin for
Nov 3, 2007 . We move the Bugzilla stylesheets, which currently live in css/, to skins/standard/,
Feb 27, 2010 . Note: it's possible to make a skin with a different animation and skeleton than
Beautefull bugzilla skins. Hi, I am running bugzilla 3.0.4, and I really whant it to
4 days ago . title = "$terms.Bugzilla Main Page" - header = "Main Page" -%] - -<link rel="
Custom Skins. Bugzilla allows you to have multiple skins. These are custom CSS
Custom Skins. Bugzilla allows you to have multiple skins. These are custom CSS
bugzilla skins Freeware Free Download - bugzilla skin, .
Bugzilla is installed on http://bugs.[domain].com/index.cgi. CSS files are
Bugzilla Addon Skins Free Software Download - Addon, Browser Addon, Autocad
Bugzilla::User::Setting::Skin - Object for a user preference setting for skins . Skin.
Bugzilla's general appearance (skin) - select which skin to use. . If you don't
Mar 18, 2008 . Custom Skin. I have created a skin that I'd like to add to skins/contrib for the next
Oct 10, 2011 . Customize your bugzilla experience with this user style.
Apps for bugzilla skin Compatible with iPhone and iPad touch app listings, price
TEST-FAILED Fetch of skins/standard/index/front.png failed. Your webserver
Index of /bugzilla/skins/contrib/Dusk/index. Icon Name Last modified Size
Functionaility: 1. Scan model file for texture name 2. Let the user select
Aug 22, 2006 . or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bugzilla/skins, referer: http://localhost/
Jan 5, 2009 . /usr/share/bugzilla3/web/skins/contrib/FlatGreen. otherwise it won't be found by
Google found me some nice results, a little searching goes a long way: These guys know something about bugzilla.
Bugzilla 3.2 now ships with a skin called "Dusk" that is a bit more colorful than old
Sep 28, 2011 . Subject, Re: Need a volunteer for the Bugzilla templates . here: http://openoffice.
Feb 12, 2010 . Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 564450. SELinux . . is not owned by any package file /
I found that if I do http://myipaddress/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/index.cgi in firefox then
To check what was in the package on bugzilla.org I downloaded a copy of 3.0.2,
Bugzilla's general appearance (skin) - select which skin to use. Bugzilla supports
Feb 6, 2010 . I like what I see in Bugzilla 3.2. I will itemize the things I find interesting. Skins:
[Bug 32460] (Cologneblue skin) #catlinks should have text-align:right. bugzilla-
Sep 12, 2011 . Found in versions bugzilla/, bugzilla/ . initial installation has
Flat Green (direct download) - Skin for Bugzilla 3.0 and development. Clean '
Installation: Bugzilla no longer needs empty "placeholder" CSS in the skins/
May 6, 2011 . [quake3-bugzilla] [Bug 4978] IQM skins and joint/vextex limit messages. bugzilla
Jan 23, 2009 . For those using bugzilla.mozilla.org , I wanted to let you know that when we
Oct 7, 2007 . + =back =head1 CLASS FUNCTIONS diff --git a/Bugzilla/User/Setting/Skin.pm b/
Jun 14, 2011 . bugzilla demo search results, MP3Viewer ,ViSo Demo ,HappyEO Pro - DEMO. .
I'd like to add a VT100 skin to http://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Addons#Skins,
Hi, I am running bugzilla 3.0.4, and I really whant it to look as nize as https://
The changes that Bugzilla required for Dusk made Bugzilla much easier to skin.
This is a skin for Bugzilla that uses the new Google Font APIs to add some extra
Jan 12, 2007 . Yours looks ace. There is a place to add your skin here: http://wiki.mozilla.org/
Aug 25, 2007 . padlock.png ? secpatch ? service ? docs/html ? skins/contrib cvs update:
skins/standard/dependency-tree/tree-open.png | Bin 1130 -> 0 bytes bugzilla/
Download Bugzilla Skins at Bugzilla Informer: A-Clock, Deskzilla, Clock Tray
Bugzilla skins Free Download,Bugzilla skins Software Collection Download.
Feb 25, 2010 . The WarMUX Website Threads - Bugzilla Skin: . Community » Bugzilla Skin: first
Where can I download custom CSS skins for bugzilla? I see how to install them:
If you're interested in trying out the alpha version of fancypants, my new bugzilla