Oct 3, 14
Other articles:
  • encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Apraxia‎CachedSimilarInformation about Apraxia in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop .
  • agliotilab.org/publications/anosognosia-for-apraxia‎CachedResults show that our bucco-facial apraxic patients manifest a specific deficit in
  • hallo.ro/search.do?l=en&query=buccofacial+apraxia+BFA&d. ‎Cachedbuccofacial apraxia BFA in English. English-Romanian Dictionary buccofacial
  • hcavasportsmed.com/your-health/index.dot?id. db. ‎Cached(Buccofacial Apraxia; Conceptual Apraxia; Constructional Apraxia; Gait Apraxia;
  • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23658385‎SimilarMay 8, 2013 . Buccofacial apraxia (BFA, or oral apraxia) is a nonspeech skilled movement
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  • www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007472.htm‎CachedSimilarApraxia is a disorder of the brain and nervous system in which a person is unable
  • BUCCOFACIAL APRAXIA (ORAL APRAXIA) Clinical Hughlings Jackson (cited by
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  • www.neurology.org/content/80/23/2166.shortJun 4, 2013 . Isolated buccofacial apraxia subsequent to a left ventral premotor cortex
  • https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hbfr/27/3/27_3_244/_article‎CachedWe report on a case of buccofacial apraxia without aphasia following right
  • www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/. /pdf?md5. pid=1-s2. awareness involves apraxia, i.e., a deficit in the ability to perform gestures .
  • Buccofacial apraxia Orofacial and limb praxis probably have different neural
  • emedicine.medscape.com/article/1136037-overview‎CachedSimilarMay 9, 2013 . Apraxia and Related Syndromes. Apraxia, one of the most important and least
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  • quizlet.com/5131652/apraxia-flash-cards/‎CachedVocabulary words for Apraxia. . Heilman's more modern definition of
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  • www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02687030600591161‎SimilarBackground: Buccofacial apraxia (BFA) may be defined as the inability to perform
  • www.researchgate.net/. /242295719_Biofeedback_treatment_of_buccofacial _apraxia_using_EMAThe present study investigates a novel EMA biofeedback system designed to
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  • www.sscnet.ucla.edu/CBD/bios/koskicon.pdf‎CachedDefinition. Buccofacial apraxia. Impairment in performing mouth or face actions
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  • Of the 20 righthemiplegic patients with apraxia, 14 showed severe speech .
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apraxia‎CachedSimilarApraxia (from Greek praxis, an act, work, or deed) is the inability to execute
  • psych.med.nyu.edu/content?ChunkIID=434766‎Cached(Buccofacial Apraxia; Conceptual Apraxia; Constructional Apraxia; Gait Apraxia;
  • www.patient.co.uk/doctor/Dyspraxia-and-Apraxia.htm‎CachedSimilarFor example: By the body part affected: eg limb apraxia, buccofacial apraxia.
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  • Meyer and Barron (1960) studied less severe types of gait apraxia by asking
  • www.dict.cc/english-german/buccofacial+apraxia+BFA.html‎Cacheddict.cc German-English Dictionary: Translation for buccofacial apraxia BFA.
  • www.jove.com/. /isolated-buccofacial-apraxia-subsequent-to-left-ventral- premotor‎CachedBuccofacial apraxia (BFA, or oral apraxia) is a nonspeech skilled movement
  • Buccofacial (Oral) Apraxia Patients with buccofacial apraxia resemble those with
  • BUCCOFACIAL APRAXIA (ORAL APRAXIA) Clinical Hughlings Jackson (cited by
  • informahealthcare.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/026990597122981‎SimilarBuccofacial apraxia (BFA) or oral apraxia, a term used for `apraxia of the cranial
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  • link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-642-83201-7_47.pdf‎SimilarPure Anarthria Without Simultaneous Buccofacial Apraxia in a Luxemburgish
  • schatz.sju.edu/neuro/clinneuro/apraxia.html‎CachedApraxia: Inability to carryout purposeful movements in the absence of . Broca's

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