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. how many BTU were in a kilowatt hour (kwh) of electricity? .
In this temperature range a new heat pump can generate heat for less than $6.00
Feb 9, 2011 . Use the following values for fuel Btu content: #2 Fuel Oil = 140000 Btu/gallon;
I would think you need at least 12000 BTU/h, 3.5 kW of cooling performance (
Energy Source, Btu Equivalent, Unit. Electricity, 3412, kilowatt hour (kWh).
Feb 1, 2011 . One kwh of electricity, when used in a resistance heater, generates 3412 btus of
I've found electric rates ranging from 12¢ to 50¢ per kWh from the same provider.
Btu. 820000. Btu million. $3. = ×. 3. Electricity: 3340 Btu/kWh. $0.010/kWh. kWh .
When you buy electricity on the wholesale market, you normally pay by the
A GGE of CNG and a GGE of electricity all have the same energy content as one
The question is best answered by using an example, but first some formulas:
Apr 22, 2008 . A kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electric energy delivered to the final user has an energy
Mr. Electricity is your guide to saving energy in your home. . .. A Btu, or British
It is often necessary to turn voltage, amperage and electrical "nameplate" values
Large electrical generating plant, 109. Automobile at 40 . 1 kwh, 3.61106 joules,
Apr 5, 2011 . Around town, the PHEV can run on only electricity for about 50 miles per 12 kWh
Electric Heat. It takes almost 41 kwH of electricity to provide the same amount of
. natural gas by Therms, electricity by Kilowatt-Hours, and air conditioners by
The difference between kW and kWh, power and energy, which to use when, and
BTU is an alternate unit for energy- the letters stand for British Thermal Units. .
Kilowatt-hour definition; Kilowatt-hour example; kWh conversion; kWh conversion
This is very important when comparing costs from the BTU's produced from
How much greenhouse gas is produced in providing 100000 BTU of heat to the
Compare Electricity - sold in kilowatt hours (3413 BTU/kilowatt hour)2. Multiply
a Typical Home with an average annual electric use of 12000 kWh (
1000 watts = 3.412 BTU/Hr. Hope you pass. Um -- you may want to check that
1000 BTUs. 1 gallon of #2 fuel oil. 132000 BTUs. 1 gallon of HD5 propane.
Given that the energy in 3413 Btus of heat is equal to the energy in 1 kWh of
The cost of electricity from wood-fired power plants ranges from $0.06 to more
. Number 2 fuel oil is $1.00 per gallon, the equivalent cost is 3.5 cents per kWh
It is often necessary to turn voltage, amperage and electrical "nameplate" values
The rating in KW-hr/100 miles is shown below MPG-e in smaller font. As required
Aug 25, 1998 . Converting kWh of electricity to Btu is not a trivial issue, because the . Therefore,
1 kwh electricity = 1½ hours of operation of standard air conditioner. = 92 days for
They report that one ton of anthracite coal produces 25 million BTU or 7326 KWh
The gas company is not going to convert cubic feet into Btus for you, just as the
You may need to convert Voltage, A mperage and electrical specifications from
Given an electrical service of 10 KW it would require 100 humans to generate an
Electricity: If water and power are combined in your bill, subtract those items that
Mar 4, 2011 . One short ton of coal could provide a residential household with electricity for 2
Kilowatt-hours (kWh) to BTU, energy conversion - calculator and how to . kWh to
At 100% efficiency, the conversion from heat to electricity is at a rate of 3412 Btu
Table 1 – Average Btu Content of Fuels. Electricity: 1 KW. 3412 Btu/hr. Natural
(Btu) per the amount of electric energy out (kWh), commonly called a heat rate. (
Assuming electricity is 100% efficient, this corresponds to 54 KWH per day (3413
If you can buy electricity for less than $0.07/kWh, you will be paying less per
1 British Thermal Unit (Btu) is the amount of heat necessary to raise the . . kj or
Diesel Fuel 1 gallon = 139000 Btu. Heating Oil 1 gallon = 139000 Btu. Electricity.
The electric furnace heating element options are displayed within the electric