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1 Megawatt = 3413000 BTU/hour 1 boiler horsepower (BHP) = 33520 BTU/hr 1
2008 - Nov. 2009, See Below**. 2.8%. **Starting December 2009, BTU Factor will
On a royality payment statement, what is meant by the BTU factor with regards to
Below are instructions for converting factors, including changing acres to
The Interstate Pipelines from which Greater Dickson Gas Authority receives its
calculations. Thermal conversion factors measure the equivalent heating content
The Interstate Pipelines from which Middle Tennessee Natural Gas receives its
Mar 27, 2002 . Btu factors are either presented as Btu per Cf or Btu per Mcf. If the Btu factor has 3
CCF x Pressure Factor x BTU Factor x 100000 = Actual Therms Used / Heating
The confusion here seems to be that the refrigeration capacity of the air
A glossary of commonly used oil and gas terms. Oriented for the oil and gas
b1000 ft³ ≈ 1 million Btu; 1 million Btu = 10 therms. 1. Typical boiler efficiencies
BTU. British Thermal Unit. The amount of heat required to raise the . therms. A
Old (inefficient) air conditioning systems would require about 1 BTU of energy to
and the power of the heater in Btu/hr. In other words, we need the following
Therefore the exact conversion factor for the International Table British thermal
Multiply the resulting cubic footage by a BTU factor as follows: a. For below deck
The heating value of gas (its calorific value or BTU factor) is an important factor in
Natural Gas Conversion Factors: 1 BTU = amount of energy required to raise the
The following definitions, conversion factors, tables, and other information for and
What are BTU areas? How do I know which BTU area to use? How is heating
You can find out the monthly billing factor for your area if you know your BTU
CALCULATION OF K-FACTOR AND R-VALUE. K-Factor. Heat is measured in
Medium Construction – 4” Concrete – (19 BTU's sq ft) max no insulation . Heat
Btu Factor applicable under the provisions hereof. Such change in the Btu Factor
Subject: BTU factor. Due to internal issues, the BTU factor, previously reported to
Non-Critical. December 21, 2011. November 2011 Actual System-Wide BTU
Suburbanaristic <(E-Mail Removed)> wrote. > No ****. http://www.
Following are the average BTU factors for November 2011 . Should you have
The amount of therms you use is multiplied by the BTU factor. The BTU factor
U-value (or U-factor) is a measure of the rate of heat loss or gain through a
Mar 27, 2002 . Btu Factors (Heating Values) can be converted from Dry (natural gas not
Natural gas volumes or Btu Factors (Heating Values) can be converted from one
UGI UTILTIES. Billing BTU Factors, Billing Line Loss**. Dec 2009 - Nov 2010,
Conversion Factor (LHV): Conversion Factor (HHV): Lower Heating Value: Btu.
What are Mcf, Btu, and therms? How do I convert prices in Mcf to Btus and therms
I am in need of converting my known BTU's to KW for power consumption and
the BTU per ideal cubic foot. Natural gas is a real gas and therefore the heating
What is the average Btu/cf of Haynesville Shale gas? Also, how does the Btu
Jan 19, 2009 . Energy Factor (EF) is an overall efficiency rating of the water heater. . Gas
New Look! Changes to your utility bill coming soon. If you are .
Btu Factor tells you for a specific amount of Mcf of gas what you multiply with to
Emission factors are based on an average natural gas higher heating value of
Conversion Factors for Energy and Power. Terms and Abbreviations. Btu = British
HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) is a term used in the heating and
February 17th, 2010 | Tags: natural gas meter, What is a therm, what is BTU
Billing BTU Factors, Billing Line Loss. Dec 2011 - Nov 2012, 1.030, 1.2%. Dec
Definition of BTU Factor – See a comprehensive list of oil and gas terms and
Liquid. Billing. Fuel Adjustment. Firm. Interruptible. Propane. Natural Gas. Month.
So multiplying the volume of consumption (40) by the BTU factor (1.030), we find