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A CD136.4 Canadian made insulator with no embossing . Yellow CD162
2 -Glass Insulators Brookfield Dark Teal Green on poles. Expedited shipping .
Aug 6, 2007 . Note: These photographs mainly illustrate colorful or rare insulators. . CD 100.6
Amazily Ambered Brookfield Signal Glass Insulator Dark Green Cd162 "k.
Jan 9, 2012 . 4 - vintage hemingray-9 blue glass electric insulator $23.00 1 - 1893 aqua
Below is a brief list of some embossed markings seen on insulators that stand for
Glass Insulator: CD 102 - B.T. Co. of Can. Item ID: 5823-23. Glass Insulator: CD
Glass manufacturers/glass factories that produced glass insulator / insulators for
SALE - Teal Green Vintage Brookfield Insulator. From MegsandDave . This is
Aug 31, 2010 . A display of cd-162 and cd-162.4 Canadian 1678 insulators. . Unusual
North American threaded glass pintype insulators are the most commonly .
I also have a few issues of the old "Canadian Bottle and Stoneware . Brookfield
Co. insulator of my own, especially since I lived in southeastern Massachusetts
Cd 143 Lavender W/purple Swirls Canadian.pacific.ry.co Glass Insulator . Deep
102BrkFld2tone.jpg Brookfield Top green from amber base aqua . + Surprise
Related Searches: insulators, insulator, brookfield, purple, hemingray, or browse
Nov 12, 2011 . The majority of these CD 101 Brookfield insulators were used on open wire
CD 100 Surge [020] Clear. CD 100.5 Pyrex [020] Clear.
A Nice Emerald Green Colored Glass Insulator. Brookfield Hoopskirt style. Tiny
Nov 30, 2004 . Apparently Brookfield patterned the CD 136 after either the Canadian CD 136.4
A forum for the discussion of glass and porcelain insulators. . A column written
Insulator Price Guide - A History and Guide to North American Glass Pintype .
May 31, 2007 . The 1912 Brookfield Insulator catalog states that the business was . Company)
Brookfield Insulator. Posted on October 25, 2009 by .
Mar 22, 2008 . Unusual Brookfield Insulator. nicoleculver . . Glass Insulators Canadian pony
It has the same embossing as the one on the left, right down to the mold # 12
RARE Antique 1877 W. Brookfield Glass Insulator Spear B. Giving Works Item .
A CD136.4 Canadian made insulator with no embossing. Clockwise starting
Feb 5, 2011 . 2 brookfield , aqua , approx. 3.5 inches high , bubbles in glass , one has I00 on
. in Canada, and Mexico is a long way from me, I consider Mexican insulators to
may have noticed one of my hobbies is collecting glass insulators, . from our
Be it a Dominion-42, a Brookfield or a Hemingray-42, glass insulators made in
Navigation Up: Insulators, All Colors Insulator Gallery . Peach, CD 145
For example, Brookfield marked insulators with their name and others are found
May 14, 2002 . The 1912 Brookfield Insulator catalog states that the business was . Company)
Vintage Brookfield. Posted on February 28, 2011 by .
Insulators are materials which prevent the flow of heat (thermal insulators) or .
Insulators were originally made to keep telegraph and telephone wires
Below are other books about porcelain insulators to help the collector. .
121 items . Find the best deals on glass insulators, insulator and more on iOffer.com. .
We have estimated that there must have been 25000 to 30000 insulators and you
The overwhelming numbers of early threaded Brookfield (CD 133s for example )
Buy and sell Bottles Insulators on eBay Canada. Discounted selection of new
A special thanks to Caleb Thimell for supplying his list of foreign insulator . .
Unusual Brookfield Insulator on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and
It is most likely that some used Brookfield insulator molds were obtained at that .
Categorized under Collectibles >> Bottles & Insulators >> Insulators. Condition: .
#3 . CD 718 . Unmarked. . Bright blue. . Circa 1860's. A seldom seen colour in
Aug 27, 2010 . 4:08. Add to. Glass Insulators Canadian 1678 displayby insulatorchronicles229