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Some references say that the brass triangles that supported stacks of iron cannon
Aug 15, 1998 . There's a famous story about the origin of 'brass monkey weather', . It is said that
Below you see the cannon located in the veteran's section of. it included 7
Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations
>the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get >smaller than
Brass Monkey. It was necessary to keep a good supply of cannon balls near the
Dec 28, 2011 . Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right . The
As an efficient method of storage and delivery of cannon balls to the cannon for
This piece of alleged history explains that in the olden days of sailing ships,
So when the temperature dropped too much, the brass indentations would shrink
Brass was used because the cannonballs wouldn't rust to the "brass monkey", but
The cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a brass monkey.
Translations of brass monkey. brass monkey synonyms, brass monkey antonyms.
Jul 27, 2011 . CANNON BALLS AND BRASS MONKEYS. Cannons were the weapons of
As it got cold on the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get
As it got cold on the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get
It was necessary to keep a good supply of cannon balls near the . to the rusting
Nov 19, 2008 . Brass Monkeys, Lewd Sayings and Urban Legends . It was necessary to keep a
A brass monkey is a naval term for the holder that holds the cannon balls. It was
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Jan 9, 2006 . Brass was used because the cannonballs wouldn't rust to the brass monkey, but
Jul 9, 2010 . The Brass monkey was a double rail of brass bars on a war ship that stored the
Jun 3, 2010 . A big gun, and lots of cannonballs. On metal trays. From www.truthorfiction.com:
BRASS MONKEY. In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many
As an efficient method of storage and delivery of cannon balls to the cannon for
In keeping with the powder monkey moniker; this rack was referred to as a “brass
It is often stated that the phrase originated from the use of a brass tray, called a "
When it got very cold, due to thermal contraction,the cannon balls, would become
Some other method was needed for keeping the cannon balls close to the
Cannon Balls/ Brass Monkey. October 24, 2010 By Gail. Here is a cute email we
It just isn't feasible that cannonballs could have been stacked in this way. So,
small brass plate ("brass monkey") with one rounded indentation for each
Sep 11, 2011 . Were brass monkeys used to store cannonballs on ships? . Claim: "Brass
"cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey". . Royal Navy sailing ships
When 18'th and 19'th century warships used cannon balls, they stacked them .
The saying, "It's so cold out there it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey,"
I am not going outside. It is cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
Feb 20, 2010 . A brass monkey was a tray used to stack/pile/keep cannonballs on. A tray is
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On warships cannon balss were store in brass retainers called monkeys. In the
It is widely believed that a brass monkey is a brass tray used in naval ships
Even if you were to put a 2 m row of balls in the monkey with all the edges
May 2, 2001 . It has often been claimed that the "brass monkey" was a holder or storage rack in
This phrase is often said to have a nautical origin involving cannon balls, but cold
As it got cold on the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get
Freezeing the balls off a brass monkey referes to the triangle that holds a stack of
Apr 26, 2000 . The brass rails that held stacks of cannon balls on ships were called monkeys.
During Nelson's time, a brass monkey was a triangle of brass attached to the
They found that if they used iron, when it got wet the cannonballs would rust, so
Honestly I dont think the brass monkey described would be a very efficient way to