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business.highbeam.com/417434/article-1G1. /elwood-energy-llcCachedJun 1, 1999 . Elwood Energy LLC has announced multi-year contracts with . OTCBB: PGRIW)
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it.tmcnet.com/news/2007/10/23/3036875.htmCachedOct 23, 2007 . the company announced that Braesridge Energy LLC, an affiliate of. Platinum
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www.passfail.com/what-are-the-latest. /barry-kostiner.htmCachedFeb 10, 2014 . Mr. Kostiner has been involved in energy trading and structuring since 1992. .
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www.forbes.com/profile/barry-kostiner/CachedMr. Kostiner has been involved in energy trading and structuring since 1992. Mr.
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www.marketwired.com/. /Platinum-Energy-Resources-Inc-Affiliate- Negotiates-Purchase-Shares-Company-Common-783546.htmCachedOct 22, 2007 . NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - October 22, 2007) - Platinum Energy Resources,
www.mobilitytechzone.com/news/2007/10/25/3043791.htmCachedOct 25, 2007 . Braesridge Energy LLC, an affiliate of Platinum Energy's Chief Executive . .
www.otcmarkets.com/edgar/GetFilingHtml?FilingID=6132149Aug 29, 2008 . Name and Address of Reporting Person *. BRAESRIDGE ENERGY LLC, 2.
www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/. /0001144204-08-025619.txtCached. ZIP: 07645 BUSINESS PHONE: 845-323-0434 MAIL ADDRESS: STREET 1: 3
openinsider.com/insider/Braesridge-Energy-LLC/1417810CachedInsider transactions for Braesridge Energy LLC. Free insider trading stock
pipiska.strefa.pl/wholesalaf/jan-schilling-vet-energy-wi.htmlMar 26, 2007 . renewable energy potential of india 2006 · nextgen energy llc watervliet .
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marketbrief.com/braesridge-energy-llc/pgriCachedBRAESRIDGE ENERGY LLC from MarketBrief. . About MarketBrief · Contact Us
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www.oalj.dol.gov/PUBLIC/ARB/. /ARB. /09_076.SOXP.HTMCachedFor the Respondents, KD Resources, LLC and Braesridge Energy, LLC: .
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www.passfail.com/what-are-investors. /barry-kostiner.htmCachedFeb 11, 2014 . Mr. Kostiner has been involved in energy trading and structuring since 1992. .
finance.paidcontent.org/paidcontent/. /platinum_energy_resourcesCachedOct 22, 2007 . . today that Braesridge Energy LLC, an affiliate of Platinum Energy's Chief
www.insider-monitor.com/trader/cik1417810.htmlCachedDetailed stock trading history of Braesridge Energy Llc . . At the time of this
www.marketwired.com/. /platinum-energy-resources-inc-affiliate-negotiates- purchase-shares-company-common-stock-784992.htmCachedOct 25, 2007 . NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - October 25, 2007) - Platinum Energy Resources,
www.j3sg.com/. /Generate.php?. Cached105 Records . Braesridge Energy Llc, 10% Owner, – – •, 2007-10-23, 3, IO, $0.00, $0, D/D, 0,
coldfusion.sys-con.com/node/449919/blogCachedPlatinum Energy Resources, Inc. Affiliate Negotiates Purchase of Shares of .