Sep 26, 14
Other articles:
  • www.symantec.com/connect/forums/bplist-command‎CachedSimilarIn order to find which files are backed up in a client I am using the "bplist"
  • vvangapally.wordpress.com/. /bplist-command-to-find-when-a-rman- backupset-is-created/‎CachedAug 3, 2012 . usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C nb_ora_client -S media_server -t 4 -R / where -
  • spam.concordia.ca/manpages/loc1/bplist.1.html‎Cachedbplist - Lists backed up and archived files on the NetBackup server. . . a
  • www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw. 1/ism_cl_bp.htm‎CachedThe bp command controls the setting and removal of breakpoints in the HDL
  • h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/System. bplist-command. /td. /4884861‎CachedSimilarbplist -s 1/23/2005 -e 1/23/2005 -R /thename/of/thedirectory. However, this
  • www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id. ‎CachedSimilarMar 7, 2011 . The bplist command shows a list of previously archived or backed up files
  • www.unix.com/. /131347-netbackup-solaris-client-confirmation.html‎CachedSimilarBut what I want to be able to do is run a command from each Solaris client to .
  • rootdg.blogspot.com/2011/. /list-oracle-backup-with-netbackup.html‎CachedSep 20, 2011 . To list oracle backups, you can use the bplist command bplist -C Client_Name -t
  • mailman.eng.auburn.edu/pipermail/veritas-bu/2010. /107990.html‎CachedJun 21, 2010 . I struggle trying to get the syntax correct every time I have to use the bplist
  • hi.baidu.com/asmboy001/item/895e7cd709aca44afa576858‎Cached2011年11月25日 . This first example uses the bplist command with a start and end date specified.
  • fixunix.com/veritas-net. /482234-bplist-listpolicy-option.html‎CachedSimilarI am trying to get bplist to display the policy name and the schedule type along
  • osdir.com/ml/sysutils.backup.veritasbu/2006-02/msg00370.html‎CachedFeb 17, 2006 . I would try something like bplist -l -R temp If that works try bplist -C client_name .
  • db2tutorial.net/backup-validation-are-you-doing-it-right/‎CachedSimilarMay 12, 2013 . Write a script that parses the output of bplist command and validates against
  • netbackup28.rssing.com/chan-5173764/all_p69.html‎CachedAlso the bplist command lists "no entity was found". # bplist -C . 04/19/13--08:23:
  • mail.mcsv2.net/connect/zh-hans/forums/bplist-error-227‎CachedI have used bplist -t 4 -l - R command on database Oracle server (Window
  • https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/180‎CachedNov 15, 2012 . NBU 7+ no longer uses xinetd and the bplist command in the NBU-prep .
  • www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic746691-146-1.aspx‎SimilarJul 2, 2009 . Hi, I am working with netbackup and i need to execute bplist command to get
  • www.info.teradata.com/eDownload.cfm?itemid=082620002. y‎SimilarAdded the TARAJobRM command-line utility. • Added the ability to specify the
  • www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/fab/man/6.0/bplist.1.html‎CachedSimilarIf you are uncertain of the NetBackup command requirements for your locale,
  • grokbase.com/t/freelists.org/. /off-topic-netbackup-command-help‎CachedSimilarI was told to use the BPLIST command from the command line as follows: bplist -
  • code.google.com/p/ccl-bplist/‎Similarccl-bplist · Python Module for dealing with Binary Property Lists (bplists) . . http://
  • osdir.com/ml/sysutils.backup.veritasbu/2006-02/msg00289.html‎CachedFeb 10, 2006 . I recommend using the first bplist command with a pathname of /. That way, you
  • adsm.org/lists/html/Veritas-bu/2010-06/msg00201.html‎CachedJun 21, 2010 . I struggle trying to get the syntax correct every time I have to use the bplist
  • www.linuxmisc.com/11-unix-aix/a3d849a5a34d9124.htm‎CachedSimilarThe NetBackup documentation refers to a "bplist" command and its man pages. Q
  • dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/back-packs/pages/commands/‎CachedSep 14, 2013 . Here is a list of all commands and their aliases, description. . /backpack list, /bp
  • www.ebenner.com/db2dba_blog/?p=594‎CachedSimilarMar 25, 2009 . The NetBackup command-line utilities bprestore and bplist can only be used to
  • www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/fab/man/7.1/bplist.1.man.html‎CachedSimilarThe bplist command shows a list of previously archived or backed up files
  • stujordan.wordpress.com/. /searching-all-backups-for-a-file-name-in- netbackup/‎CachedSimilarMay 2, 2012 . Using the bplist command we can do this on the command line. . You'll find the
  • marc.info/?l=veritas-bu&m=101246344824975&w=2‎CachedList: veritas-bu Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] bplist command From: "Dufresne, Chuck"
  • www.nber.org/tsp/tsphelp/regopt.htm‎CachedSimilarIt replaces the old SUPRES and NOSUPRES commands. REGOPT (BPLIST=<list
  • www.storagetutorials.com/most-used-netbackup-commands/‎CachedSimilarJul 7, 2013 . 4. bplist : This is very useful command if you want to display the information on
  • worldhistory.spaldam.com/index.php?title=Client_Side. and. ‎CachedSimilarDec 2, 2011 . 1.1 On Windows; 1.2 On Unix; 1.3 bplist command. 2 Verifying the correct Servers
  • www.backupcentral.com/phpBB2/. /bplist-command-106445/‎CachedSimilarI struggle trying to get the syntax correct every time I have to use the bplist
  • blog.dbauniversity.com/. /rman-duplication-to-new-host-using.html‎CachedSimilarSep 27, 2007 . b) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C source_db_host -t 4 -l -R / The above bplist
  • darrylgriffiths.blogspot.com/. /netbackup-oracle-database-bplist-output.html‎CachedSimilarMar 21, 2013 . Scenario: When backing up an Oracle database using NetBackup and RMAN,
  • https://www.mail-archive.com/veritas. eng.auburn. /msg12977.html‎CachedAug 27, 2007 . I have tried using the man page for bplist command but the command is > >
  • sqladm.blogspot.com/2012/08/check-netbackup-file-backup.html‎CachedSimilarOct 16, 2012 . . but there are a lot of command-line tools. In this case our backup vendor has
  • hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20050526162847879‎CachedSimilar. (defun simple-plist-hack () (when (string-match "`bplist" (buffer-string)) (shell-
  • home.earthlink.net/~jdykzeul/docs/veritas_nbu_examples.txt‎CachedSimilarFeb 8, 2003 . With parameters, tpconfig can be used as a single command for drive . tasks
  • https://www.npmjs.org/search?q=bplist%20parser‎Cachedbplist-parser. 3447; 0. Binary plist parser. 0.0.5 by . the complete solution for
  • www.symantec.com/. /list-backed-filesystems-netbackup-bplist-command‎CachedSimilarbplist - list the backed up and archived files on the Net- . filesystems backed up
  • pikachu.3ti.be/pipermail/rear-users/2012-February/002017.html‎CachedFeb 15, 2012 . All that is needed is that additional options are required on the bplist command
  • serverfault.com/. /netbackups-bplist-doesnt-get-user-group-info-for- windows-files‎CachedSimilarNov 5, 2009 . When I use bplist to get information about files backed up on any . If it can't, is
  • www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1001269‎CachedSimilar/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -ctime <10-digit ctime> 3. Run the bplist
  • comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup. /13056‎CachedAug 27, 2007 . I have tried using the man page for bplist command but the command is errored
  • https://nodejsmodules.org/tags/bplist‎CachedSimilarbplist-parser. Binary plist parser. 2. 0.1%. node-bplist-creator. Binary Mac OS X .
  • www.mass.dk/. /75-bplist-a-handy-tool-for-the-netbackup-admin.html‎CachedSimilarJun 11, 2010 . The bplist is a handy tool for the Netbackup admin to list files and folders ,
  • www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/pub/ZEDAT/Backup/. 3_4/bplist.html‎CachedSimilarIf you create directory /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bplist/ with public-write access,
  • comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup. /13048‎CachedAug 27, 2007 . Hi, Can anybody help me with the bplist command for searching a keyword in a
  • www.cs.indiana.edu/hmg/le/project-home/. 7. /xs_cl_bp.htm‎CachedThe bp command controls the setting and removal of breakpoints in the HDL

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