May 14, 12
Other articles:
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  • JS Array · JS Boolean · JS Math · JS RegExp . JavaScript Comparison and
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  • Example. Convert a Boolean value to a string: var bool = new Boolean(1); . Note
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  • javascript lesson / tutorial: if statement, boolean, functions and variable scope. .
  • Using if statement, javascript has the ability to make distinctions between different
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  • var b = false;. Boolean variable values are mostly used along with "if", "if else"
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  • Aug 11, 2009 . Evaluation of boolean values in JavaScript . In this example of using logical
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  • Here is an example of variable declarations and global values: var x = 0; // A . .
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  • Posted in 'JavaScript' by James on October 19th, 2011. Before we continue with
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  • In JavaScript, the result of a boolean operation is the value of the operand that
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  • Study the following example that demonstrates the Boolean object in JavaScript.
  • Example 4 — Boolean XOR. JavaScript provides a boolean AND operator ( && ),
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  • JavaScript boolean objects and boolean primitives may appear to be the same
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  • May 28, 1999 . When a Boolean object is used as the condition in a conditional test, JavaScript
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  • Jun 7, 2007 . JavaScript Boolean Object In this JavaScript tutorial you will learn . For example,
  • Example. Make a new method for the Boolean object:: Boolean.prototype.

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