Apr 21, 12
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  • May 14, 1999 . What are the practical uses for bond duration and convexity. . Sounds like the
  • May 20, 2011 . I'm hoping someone could help me understand this subject better. Basically I am
  • Basically, duration is a weighted average of the maturity of all the income streams
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity and Bond Duration. Andrew Ellul . Duration. Look at the
  • Duration reflects the timing of all payment streams from a bond including
  • For example, if a bond has a duration of 5 years and interest rates increase by 1
  • On the other hand, your bonds will increase in value by 5% if interest rates fall 1
  • The duration of a bond, or a bond fund, is a measure of its . so its duration is
  • k e t V alu e. Yield To Maturity. Convexity of Bond Curve. Bond Duration. We
  • A bond's duration is a measure of its value over time. The more fluctuation there
  • is the fraction of a month between settlement date and first cash flow date. .
  • The first bond has 30 years to maturity, the second 20 years, and the third 10
  • largest factor affecting a bond's interest rate sensitivity and therefore its duration
  • Nov 2, 2011 . Bond Duration: What It Is and Why It Matters. The maturity of a fixed-income
  • Capital gain or loss on sale of bond before maturity. Illustration: . . A measure of
  • The modified duration of a bond is a measure of its price sensitivity to interest
  • Modelling Bond Duration and
  • Oct 2, 2010 . In 1938, Frederick Macaulay termed the effective-maturity concept the duration of
  • two bonds with different coupon rates and maturities? We use duration.
  • Feb 19, 1998 . The duration measure for bonds is a invention that allows bonds of different
  • What are the differnces between the term "Maturity" and > "Duration" means in
  • An increase in interest rates causes bond prices to fall, and a decrease in interest
  • Duration, Interest, and Maturity. . 107: Secured and Unsecured Bonds . For
  • Feb 27, 2008 . Bonds are specific types of loans to Government(s) be they foreign, federal or
  • May 26, 2010 . Adam Bold, founder and CEO of The Mutual Fund Store, explains how interest
  • Frequently asked questions about muni bonds and municipal bond investing. .
  • Duration and Bond Interest Rate Risk. . To illustrate this, let's suppose you
  • For bonds that have embedded options, such as putable and callable bonds,
  • (See Bond Duration for a derivation of the formula as the weighted average of the
  • . CouponRate, Settle, Maturity) computes the Macaulay and modified duration of
  • Two-year 8% coupon bond with duration of 1.8853 years; Zero-coupon bond with
  • Since duration measures the sensitivity of a bond (or more generally, of a
  • May 11, 2009 . Bond Maturity and Duration. What the heck does "duration" mean? Why a bond's
  • The higher a bond's duration, the higher the interest rate risk. Duration measures
  • effective maturity on the zero-coupon bond. Calculating Duration. To calculate
  • The settlement date is the date a buyer purchases a coupon, such as a bond. . If
  • Learn about fixed income concepts, including the yield curve and duration. .
  • The "maturity" of a bond is the remaining time to its last payment. . exact duration
  • It's possible to approximate how much a bond's price is likely to rise or fall when
  • Jul 8, 2009 . As discussed in Chapter 3, extending the maturity of a premium bond increases
  • Feb 23, 2012 . We'll look at some important factors of bond fund analysis, and then . As an
  • Duration is the most commonly used measure of risk in bond investing. Duration
  • For Bond Duration Calculator calculate duration, modified duration, annual
  • Jan 1, 2007 . All of the components of a bond—price, cou- pon, maturity, and interest in the
  • Oct 22, 2009 . When you look at the stats for a bond mutual fund, you'll see both average
  • Zero-Coupon Bond – Duration is equal to its time to maturity. . The fulcrum, or
  • Bond Funds' Duration vs. Maturity - interest rate, Muni, Short-Term Bond, average
  • Also, if you buy a bond with the intention selling prior to maturity, then the final
  • Macaulay Duration (effective maturity), Modified Duration, and Convexity. Each of
  • This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet explores interest rates and bond prices. . line)

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