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Every fifteen or twenty minutes, the Bolivar ferry slips across the channel. Other
View our schedule for ferries in Port Aransas and Galveston-Port Bolivar. . SH
January 06, 2012 -- The University of Texas Medical Branch recently hosted an
The Galveston-Bolivar Ferry will be operating with just two ferry boats later this
Apr 13, 2005 . Bolivar group says state moving too slow creating guidelines for boarding passes
Access to Crystal Beach is either by ferry from Galveston or by driving . Boy
University of Texas Medical Branch - Institute for Human Infections . Take the
Special attractions: Galveston Island State Park, Bolivar Point Lighthouse, .
The second route is the ferry to and from Port Bolivar Peninsula, . At the
. DOT Houston area/Bolivar Ferry 47.080 TX DOT Houston area/Bolivar Ferry
Bolivar Ferry TTMB. . I was coming from the Bolivar side on Saturday afternoon
If you enjoy being on the water then you should ride the famous Bolivar Ferry. .
Committee Substitute for House Bill 2122-This bill reforms the medical
Nov 26, 2005 . ty boarding passes for the. Bolivar Ferry was resched- uled for Tuesday from 6:30
Harpers Ferry Family Medicine Women's Health Center University Medical and
Galveston-Port Bolivar Ferry The Galveston Island-Port Bolivar Ferry (part of
Vallejo Ferry Riders With Monthly Passes Want Priority Over Tourists .
The Bolivar Ferry has been entertaining kids for more than 70 years. . You'll
Mar 10, 2006 . Weekend only passes would overload the priority boarding system because of .
McFaddin Beach is the area roughly from High Island to Sabine Pass. . from
Ferry service is available between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula.
The 84-acre (340000 m2) University of Texas Medical Branch campus with an
Some Bolivar Peninsula residents say the state isnt moving quickly enough on a
Also, the proximity to the University of Texas Medical Branch and Texas A&M
Jan 1, 2012 . GALVESTON, Texas - Galveston's Bolivar Ferry, Texas' version of . The
Dec 29, 2011 . Galveston's Bolivar Ferry, Texas' version of the famous New York Staten Island
Sandra Simmons. Assistance in developing the Bolivar Blueprint was provided
2/11/2009 2:01 PM -- Port Bolivar Ferry Medical Passes From: Judy To:
All outside windows and doors pass rigid impact resistant insurance tests. .
Nov 3, 2005 . 29 on priority boarding passes for Bolivar Ferry . the Coast Guard, law
Oct 13, 2008 . The state has a contract to dredge silt from the ferry landings and . power or
journal story from the parking lot of the University of Texas Medical Branch,
Bolivar Peninsula - Galveston Island Ferry is a free service that regularly runs
by msbrandysue. Bike in the background . . Run!! by msbrandysue. Map on The
Coast Guard Group Galveston is located adjacent to the Bolivar Ferry . Each
Free ferry service from Galveston may be Lone Star State's best tourist bargain .
Bolivar Peninsula is a slender strip of mainland northeast of Galveston Island and
Ferry Pass TTMB. . Leal, spokeswoman for the Bolivar Ferry Access Project, a
Except for the Bolivar Ferry and the toll bridge across San Luis Pass, the . (
Check out the ferry wait for the Bolivar or Galveston side anytime by visiting . .
Jan 2, 2007 . Subscribe. You are here: Home / News / Bolivar Ferry Tied up in Court . They
. East Bay to High Island and West to Mosquito Pond and the San Luis Pass. .
Jan 29, 2006 . After shooting "the Road Fairy," TxDOT loots the Bolivar ferry . Causeway — and
A separate line for those with the priority pass would be established. . which is
Mar 10, 2008 . TSA tests ferry radiation sniffer at Galveston . who has been injected with
16 Reviews of Galveston Island Port Bolivar Ferry "I think a free sunset to
Mar 12, 2007 . The trio is claiming the medical passes were rejected and that they had
The bridge over Rollover Pass along Highway 87 has been damaged and has .
The number of drivers cutting in line with a special medical pass at the Bolivar