Other articles:
www.anwr.org/. /BOEMRE-Tentatively-Endorses-Shell-s-Revised-OCS- Exploration-Plan.phpCachedBOEMRE Tentatively Endorses Shell's Revised OCS Exploration Plan .
www.akenergyauthority.org/. /NOAA-AEA_ConferenceContacts.pdfCachedSimilarAK Marine Conservation Council . bernie.smith@alaska.gov. Bill Price. AE&E .
votesmart.org/. /begich-pushes-alaska-development-with-boemre-officialsCachedJul 14, 2011 . Read a public statement titled, Begich Pushes Alaska Development with
www.ocsbbs.com/. /boemre_proposed_lease_sale_jan2011.pdfCachedJan 3, 2011 . Enforcement (BOEMRE) today announced that it will hold a series of . Friday,
en.wikipedia.org/. /Bureau_of_Ocean_Energy_Management,_Regulation_ and_EnforcementCachedSimilar. is divided into three regions: Alaska, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean.
www.petroleumnews.com/pntruncate/735358654.shtmlCachedMay 15, 2011 . BOEMRE announced the results of the new assessment o. . published a new
harbour-world-photography.smugmug.com/. / boemre%20alaska%20state%20legislatureHere are Dave Harbour's World Photographs taken in such diverse locations as
www.greencarcongress.com/2011/09/boemre-20110926.htmlCachedSep 26, 2011 . BOEMRE map showing location of Hanna Shoal (red arrow). . the University of
https://www.federalregister.gov/. /outer-continental-shelf-alaska-ocs-region- chukchi-sea-planning-area-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-193CachedMay 27, 2011 . BOEMRE announces the availability of a Revised Draft SEIS, OCS Oil and Gas
https://www.sfos.uaf.edu/cmi/publications.htmlCachedUniversity of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute Annual Report No. . OCS Study
sandiego.surfrider.org/the-bureau-of-ocean-energy-management-regulation- and-enforcement-boemre-to-hold-hearings-on-new-leasing-planCachedBOEMRE (the agency responsible for making decisions about offshore oil drilling
www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/star/documents/meetings/. /Loman.pdfCachedSimilarArctic Oil & Gas Update. Jeffery Loman. Deputy Regional Director. BOEMRE,
classic.alaskajournal.com/stories/082611/oil_birifcs.shtmlCachedAug 26, 2011 . BOEMRE issues revised EIS for Chukchi Sea. By Tim Bradner Alaska Journal of
fuelfix.com/. /musical-chairs-top-leadership-announced-at-new-offshore- drilling-bureaus/CachedSep 12, 2011 . BOEMRE is set on Oct. 1 to split into two new agencies: the Bureau of .
www.deltadiscovery.com/. boemre. /080420111834846134016.htmlCachedAug 3, 2011 . Washington, D.C. – Alaskan Congressman Don Young released the following
Defense Council, Northern Alaska Environmental Center, Oceana, Pacific . By
soulsecretservice.wordpress.com/tag/boemre-alaska-ocs-region/CachedSep 12, 2011 . Posts about BOEMRE Alaska OCS Region written by soulsecretservice1.
climatechangepsychology.blogspot.com/. /dr-richard-prentki-of-boemre- alaska-ocs.htmlCachedAug 27, 2011 . Republican governor of Alaska, Sean Parnell, wants. And Now For . Dr.
web.ead.anl.gov/dwm/regs/federal/mms/index.cfmCachedSimilarOct 1, 2011. Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE), formerly the . The
peureport.blogspot.com/. /shells-alaska-christmas-present-from-o.htmlCachedDec 12, 2010 . The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement's (
events.adn.com/. ak/venues/. /4485245-boemre-alaska-region-officeCachedSimilarBOEMRE Alaska Region Office, Anchorage, AK, 99503. Find information
www.gulfbase.org/organization/view.php?oid=mms1CachedSimilar. and Enforcement (BOEMRE), a bureau in the U.S. Department of the Interior, .
www.marinelink.com/news/regional-director-alaska338773.aspxCachedMay 26, 2011 . Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)
https://scout.sunlightfoundation.com/. /interior-department-outer-continental -shelf-alaska-ocs-region-chukchi-sea-planning-area-oil-and-gas-leas. CachedMay 27, 2011 . BOEMRE announces the availability of a Revised Draft SEIS, OCS Oil and Gas
www.biologicaldiversity.org/. /arctic-oil-drilling-10-12-2010.htmlCachedOct 12, 2010 . Anchorage, Alaska— The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation
www.akbizmag.com/Alaska. /BOEMRE-Alaska-Director-Permanent- Alaskans-Focus-on-REE-Is-EPA-Targeting-Alaska-With-ARNI-Chai. CachedMay 25, 2011 . BOEMRE-Alaska Director Permanent - Alaskans Focus on REE - Is EPA
mms-new.gina.alaska.edu/Cached. and Enforcement (BOEMRE; formerly Minerals Management Service) and the
www.bsee.gov/. /BOEMRE-Plans-Meetings-on-the-Draft-Environmental- Impact-Statement/CachedJan 3, 2011 . Additional areas to be considered are Alaska's Chukchi and Beaufort . Friday,
www.boemre.gov/CachedSimilarOn October 1, 2011, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and
www.akrdc.org/alerts/2011/fiveyearocsalert.htmlCachedSimilarThis public hearing will gauge public opinion in Alaska on the development of
www.boem.gov/CachedSimilarShe was part of a team that included researchers from the University of Alaska
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/. /AR2010062904860.htmlSimilarJun 30, 2010 . Until further notice, the abbreviation BOEMRE should be used. . an oil droplet
www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-05-27/html/2011-12720.htmCachedMay 27, 2011 . SUMMARY: BOEMRE announces the availability of a Revised Draft SEIS, OCS
BOEMRE has established a Renewable Energy and Alternate Use Program for .
www.alaskadispatch.com/. /boemre-director-says-offshore-oil-agency-not- witch-huntCachedJul 30, 2011 . The following email was forwarded to Alaska Dispatch Friday, and was sent from
www.fws.gov/alaska/. /CS%20ITR%202013%20Final%20References.pdfCachedSelected Marine Mammals of Alaska: Species Accounts with Research and
www.steptoe.com/publications-newsletter-58.htmlCachedSimilarJan 11, 2011 . BOEMRE announced on January 3 that it had notified 13 companies . Additional
www.alaskapublic.org/. /murkowski-voices-concerns-over-epa-and-boemre/CachedJul 8, 2011 . That's due, in part, to cooperation between the industry and oversight
www.shell.us/aboutshell/projects. /alaska/events. /letter-08032011.htmlCachedAug 4, 2011. and Enforcement clarifying Shell's commitments to the highest standards for its
https://www.unols.org/meetings/2011/. /201104aic_ap10.pdfCachedBOEMRE Alaska OCS Region. Oceanographic Research in 2011. • Physical
www.alaskawild.org/. /Chukchi_Sea_Sale_193_Oil_Leasing_0127122.pdfCachedSimilarThe remote and pristine Arctic Ocean off Alaska's . (BOEMRE) Alaska office – an
https://www.facebook.com/notes/. /10150270640286155CachedSimilarSUMMARY: BOEMRE announces the availability of a Revised Draft SEIS, OCS
en.openei.org/datasets/node/286CachedSimilarAlaska Region Offshore GIS Data . Management, Regulation and Enforcement (
www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=17c844e7-1065-4404-9c4f. Mar 2, 2011 . The Bureau of Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)
ohsonline.com/. /boemre-adds-spill-analysis-to-alaska-drilling-seis.aspxCachedMay 30, 2011 . The agency received more than 150000 comments last fall, many citing the
www.zvents.com/. ak/venues/. /4485245-boemre-alaska-region-officeCachedBOEMRE Alaska Region Office - 3801 Centerpoint Dr., Anchorage, AK, 99503,
www.maritime-executive.com/. /boemre-approves-environmentalists-speak- out-against-shell-exploratory-drilling-in-alaska/CachedAug 5, 2011 . Read both sides of the spectrum on the controversial issue of exploratory well
eaglemap.com/. /BOEMRE-Names-New-Director-for-Alaska-RegionCachedMay 27, 2011 . Rigzone reported that Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and
dnr.alaska.gov/commis/CIAP/2.4.11_approval_letter.pdfCachedSimilar(BOEMRE) has completed its review ofAlaska's Second Amendment to its
www.bsee.gov/BSEE-Newsroom/Press-Releases/2010/press1210/CachedDec 10, 2010 . ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation