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I wanted to review BodyBugg and know how accurate the system works. I have
As reported in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008 edition, the bodybugg
I really thought I was buying the Body Bugg. Should I send it back? Is there a big
Aug 10, 2011 . However, the BodyBugg seems to be more accurate in its data collection. Can
Nov 12, 2008 . Calorie burn is calculated from a combination of movement and body heat. The
The bodybugg armband is more accurate than a pedometer for calculating .
Oct 15, 2010 . Not sure of the accuracy, but if you go to the top of the forums and search on
The bodybugg® is the most accurate device on the market today for measuring
The Bodybugg is equipped with specialized sensors, which its developer
The Skin temperature is measured by using a highly accurate thermistor-based
No other calorie counter on the market can claim this high of a percentage of
I use my heart rate monitor when cycling because I don't think the bodybugg
The numbers cannot be wrong when input is accurate because they are a
Jun 10, 2010 . BodyBugg Review: Novel Gizmo with Notable Flaws . .. so I was hoping for
Jun 14, 2011 . The Bodybugg is intended to be worn all the time to get an accurate reading.
Mar 11, 2010 . My biggest concern, when deciding whether to purchase a bodybugg, was
What is a Bodybugg? The Bodybugg calorie tracker system is an accurate, state
Now you know how many calories you burn a revolutionary bodybugg calorie . .
However the method to count the accurate number of calories that you have lost
Jun 23, 2009 . The bodybugg® is the most accurate device on the market today for . that makes
The body bugg calorie control strategy is a successful remedy in weight reduction
healthcare industry lies the unmet need for consumers, researchers and
May 5, 2010 . I loved the ability to do this on other websites, and now I had that same power
Clinically proven to accurately track calories, steps, physical activity levels and
1 provides high energy expenditure accuracy rates relative to equipment that . 1
Apr 25, 2011 . How accurate is the bodybugg? BodyMedia claims it is 92% accurate. Studies
Bodybugg is expensive but if it is accurate then it may be worth it. I dont want the
My first body bugg was close in counting the steps. I'd get around 8500 steps with
Each armband is linked to a particular bodybugg® online program. Having
Jul 4, 2011 . I would still say bodybugg is more accurate, because it is based on your actual
This is not to say that the Bodybugg SP isn't a good product. It's just that the Fitbit
those of you who have a BodyBugg or GoWear Fit, do you find it to be accurate or
Jan 29, 2009 . I can't see giving all that away for an estimate that's bound to be much less
If you are looking for information on what version of technology BodyBugg has
Many on the bodybugg website say this give much more accurate presentation of
Mar 14, 2011 . Bodybugg Reviews. The British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008 edition, said “
Buy a BodyBugg online from a direct manufacturer. . Wall Street Journal, June
So I just got a new bodybugg. I wore it today only for the hour that I was at Zumba
The Bodybugg Armband has been clinically and independently validated, and on
Oct 7, 2011 . The bodybugg system keeps an accurate daily count of calories burned and
Jul 17, 2009 . GoWearFit and Bodybugg are armband devices that track your daily caloric . My
There are times when I doubt the bodybugg's accuracy. This thing is not 100% so
The bodybugg™ is the most accurate system on the market today that allows
For those who have owned the Bodybugg (or other device), I'm wondering about
BodyBugg, BioTrainer Measure Movement, Track Results . said the device
Why is the bodybugg more accurate than a pedometer? Does the bodybugg
Jun 4, 2007 . Â I argued feebly for the accuracy for a little while, and he asked how the results
The bodybugg armband package includes one of each item: Memory. 34 . ..
It collects data from 4 different sensors to track calories burned with 92%
Body Bugg is an accurate device for measuring how many calories burned