Other articles:
Oct 1, 1997 . Betaine improves the co-amplification of the two alternatively spliced variants of
Sep 30, 2009 . Interestingly, in some cases betaine showed a PCR inhibitive effect. Several of
Feb 21, 2011 . Optimizing the PCR conditions. (a) Neither extending the denaturation times (
The addition of betaine has been reported to enhance the specificity of the
Among these so-called osmoprotectants, glycine betaine (GB)1 is by far the most
Optimizing multiplex and LA-PCR with betaine. Hengen PN. National Cancer
Dec 3, 1998 . Hi, The following references discuss the use of Betaine (and other additives) in
May 20, 2008 . PCR with Betaine, DMSO, BSA, DTT - (May/08/2008 ). Attached is a gel with a
DMSO (19). and betaine (36). 9. The "hot start" technique enhances PCR
Mar 31, 2002 . We studied the effects of the parameters magnesium, dimethylsulfoxide, 7-deaza-
(1998) Frackman et al. Promega Notes. Read by researchers in: 92% Biological
Different substances such as dimethyl sulfoxide, tetramethylene sulfoxide, 2-
Betaine, 5 M (Sigma), filter-sterilized (room temperature). KLA PCR reaction
Trimethylglycine was the first betaine discovered by science; originally it was
stable.3 Betaine has subsequently found application in the polymerase chain
This article discusses two commonly used PCR enhancing agents, betaine and
Buy and find information on Sigma-Betaine solution, B0300, CAS 107-43-7,
LA-PCR = "long and accurate PCR". Article by PN Hengen in TIBS June 1997.www-lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~pnh/papers/TIBS/jun97.html - Cached - SimilarBetaine improves LA-PCR amplification.Betaine improves LA-PCR amplification. Chen XQ, Zhang XD, Liang RQ, Cao
A PCR method to amplify DNA segments of the glycoprotein G gene of monkey B
and DMSO) or three additives (betaine, DMSO, and 7-deaza-. dGTP) has been
Betaine improves the PCR amplification of GC-rich DNA sequences. Nucleic
PCR additives Betaine, DMSO and formamide reduces the Tm and the complex
Jul 5, 2006 . Here we designed and tested a novel effective and low-cost PCR enhancer, a
B55; Sangon, Shanghai, China). PCR additives: 10 M betaine 5.5 µL (final 2.2 M)
Using betaine as the additive agent in two series of PCR amplifications played a
Using Q-PCR, gene-specific mRNA expression was quantified in the livers from
No Amplicon. Secondary structure in template. Use touchdown PCR, add
End Point PCR . Home > Products > Molecular Biology Kits and Reagents > Pre
The Betaine Enhancer Solution improves the . Betaine Enhancer Solution is
stable.5 Betaine has subsequently found application in the polymerase chain
Feb 2, 2009 . 2.7 M betaine 6.7 mM DTT 6.7% DMSO and 55 μg/ml BSA. Add this solution to
A PCR method for uniform amplification of a random sequence DNA library is
The addition of betaine has been reported to enhance the specificity of the
Abstract. Betaine improves the co-amplification of the two alternatively spliced
ME81201, ME81205 and ME81210. The MasterAmp™ 10X PCR Enhancer (with
Invitrogen 50mM MgCl2, *Included with PCR buffer, above. Roche Taq
Betaine has been reported as a versatile, novel cosolvent for use in PCR.35 It is
A variety of PCR additives and enhancing agents have been used to increase the
Mar 19, 2012 . Betaine and DMSO- Enhancing Agents for PCR - Promega Notes Number 65,
Short title: Betaine, PCr content and strength . We aimed to investigate the role
Plat Taq Vs Elongase. Betaine/DMSO. In Situ PCR. Incorporation of modified
The MasterAmp™ 10X PCR Enhancer (with betaine)+ substantially improves the
(1997) Henke et al. Nucleic Acids Research. Read by researchers in: 87%
Betaine at Biocompare.com. Compare specifications and request a quote from
DMSO and betaine were also chosen because of their previously reported
Betaine solution. 5M, PCR Reagent. Betaine has been shown to improve the
Department during the PCR project is most appreciated. I am greatly . .. 5.2.3
Then add 1.5 M betaine and 5% (v/v) DMSO to the PCR amplification. If no
Sep 15, 1998 . While CDPCR bias can lead to serious errors when determining methylation