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Some reports have claimed that young hedgehogs have eaten and choked on
Nov 28, 2011 . The best cage for your hedgehog is the largest cage you can afford. . have the
Foragers and hunters by nature, hedgehogs spend a great deal of thought and
Best bedding. NOT liners/fabric. Post by chamzilla on Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:40 am
BEDDING: Cloth cage liners are preferable for hedgehogs. Fleece, flannel or
Nov 1, 2011 . Ringworm is best treated by a vet, but there are some effective tried and . . You'll
What Bedding Is Best for Hedgehogs? 27 Oct 2008By Kimberly. As you all may
Apr 15, 2011 . Mine is reserved, and I am getting him soon. I'm VERY well researched on the
The best bedding for a hedgehog's cage is recycled paper litter or aspen
If you're baffled as to what bedding is ideal for your African Pygmy Hedgehog,
Nov 21, 2011 . Section - <5.3> The pet store uses wood shavings as bedding. Should I? . Top
Nov 7, 2008 . As you all may remember, I own an African Pygmy Hedgehog. It's the 2nd one I'
Aug 14, 2009 . What is the best bedding for hedgehogs? Friday, August 14, 2009. Like. If you're
A hedgehog should have a cage filled about . recycled paper bedding to be the
hedgehogs for sale, hedgehog health and hygiene, diet, hedgehog socialization,
Since hedgehogs like to burrow and play in bedding, a few inches of aspen, .
Your breeder knows your hedgehog the best and will be a great source of
What will I need for my new hedgehog? Cage - There are many suitable cages
Bedding: Aspen shavings is the best kind of wood shavings, but it is . have been
Don't forget: Hedgehogs are great swimmers and climbers. Avoid shavings in
Make sure your hedgehog does not get cold! Q: What's the best bedding for my
A hedgehog is a small mammal best known for its quill-covered body and ability
Oct 24, 2011 . Light colors are best, as blood will be noticed much faster. The bedding should
Hedgehogs need suitable bedding to be comfortable. Flag this photo . It is best
Hedgehogs like Carefresh bedding, or simple some pieces of felt or other soft material they can walk on, cover up with, etc. I have mine on carefresh, .
No matter what bedding you choose to use, hedgehogs tend to use their wheel
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In "Pet Hedgehog Care" you will learn the background of these amazing pets,
Open top rabbit or guinea pig cages will not keep a Hedgehog contained for long
Hedgehogs can make a great pet for the right person. Information and . Choose
Hedgehogs are low to the ground so bedding can come in contact with their
Should you use pine or cedar bedding for your hedgehog? A great deal of
May 27, 2010 . If you do have a female hedgehog, the best thing to do is watch her bedding
Hedgehogs are best housed singly, although some females may live peacefully
Your hedgehog requires a cage with a very minimum 2 square feet of floor space.
Nov 3, 2010 . The Best Bedding for Pet Hedgehogs. Bedding for pet hedgehogs is one of the
Feb 26, 2009 . Bedding for pet hedgehogs is one of the first things you need to consider before
What is the best bedding for hedge hogs? . The chemicals in the dust from pine
Feb 16, 2011 . Aspen or paper bedding like Carefresh are safe. . These are great if you are not
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This can be very dangerous if eaten and has been known to get trapped in male
I also keep heat sources that a hedgehog can lay on top of or next to in order to .
Since hedgehogs are excellent climbers, cages with smooth walls, such as 20
On top of keeping your hedgehog's cage clean, you will need to keep your little
Bedding should consist of hay, critter country, and aspen shavings or recycled .
Hedgehog Central - your one-stop source for quality hedgehog information . .
Jan 27, 2010 . When it comes to hedgehogs, there are two types of bedding most commonly
Bag of straw, knot open end, punch hole at ground level and poke 3-4 holes with
Aug 14, 2009 . The author's hedgehog Laika enjoys fleece liners If you're confused as to what
When purchasing a Hedgehog it is always smart to purchase one at time. These