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Free. 609.425.5308. 4/17, 4/17, Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition
Spirit Cheer 10151 University Blvd. #280. Orlando, Florida .
Feb 23, 2011 . Spirit Cheer Beast of the East Nationals took place on February 12-13 in Hartford,
Promo Video. 00:00. Register Now! League Scheduling by Active Network.
Ph: 1-866-52-CHEER Email: Karen Drew. April 15, 2012. Wildwood Convention
Feb 14, 2011 . Cheer Excitement Stars - Youth - Beast of the East Competition, Hartford, CT (
Feb 23, 2011 . Spirit Cheer Beast of the East Nationals took place on February 12-13 in Hartford,
Deny it if you want - you've seen at least part of Bring It On. You've rooted for The
Welcome to Spirit Cheer's Beast of the East Winter Nationals on Facebook. Join
2-FP 6-AL http://spiritcheer.varsity.com/events.html.
Feb 24, 2011 . There I was, sitting at my booth at Spirit Cheer's Beast of the East Winter
United Production is dedicated to highlighting the champion within each of us.
Event: BEAST OF THE EAST WINTER NTLS (CHEER). 2/11/2012 - 2/12/2012
Spirit Cheer Beast of the East Nationals 2011 KX Athletics Small Senior Level 5
Cheer Tech National's. WEEKEND OF MARCH 12TH. Call 609-522-2269 or e-
Apr 6, 2011 . April 16: ECC Cheerleading Shore Show Down April 17: “Beast of the East”
Spirit Cheer Beast of the East Winter Nationals 02/12/11 Connecticut Convention
Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition. Location. Javascript is required to
Nov 15, 2011 . 609.425.5308. 17 “Beast of the East” Cheerleading Competition Wildwoods
I have no clue for sure but I know that usually Take One, USA Wildcats, Core
Cheerleading Competitions in Connecticut, from your About Cheerleading Guide.
Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition. Wildwoods Convention Center.
Name: Beast of the East Nationals, Date: 02/12/2011, Duration: 2 days. Website:
Apr 19, 2009 . Pocono Cheer All Stars Team Black competing at Beast of the East in Wildwood,
This competition has Recreation, School, College, Open and All-Star Divisions.
Jan 9, 2010 . February 12-13, 2011: Beast of the East Winter Nationals- Spirit Cheer, Hartford
Feb 13, 2011 . For show schedule, please visit www.spiritcheer.com. TICKETS. Participant
Can't make it to Hartford for this year for Spirit Cheer's Beast of the East Winter
kellym121/Coll Cheer Beast of the East Photobucket album.
Cheer Tech Competitions-Beast of the East. Wildwood Beach. Wildwood , NJ.
Beast of the East Winter Nationals . SHOW HOURS. FOr program details and
Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition. April 17th, 2011. The Wildwood
Free. 609.425.5308. 4/17, 4/17, Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition
Colts Neck, NJ, Colts Neck Cougar Cheer Championship. For the benefit .
Beast of the East . Spirit Cheer is becoming an "Environmentally Friendly"
Spirit Cheer - Winter Nationals Beast of the East. Share · Public Event. Time.
Varsity Events.
2011 WIAA State Cheer Championship, 1/22/11. Result .
17, WW, Beast of the East Cheerleading Competition. 22-23, WW, War at the
Feb 14, 2010 . Beast of the East Winter Nationals Spirit Cheer Nationals are a great addition to
Feb 14, 2011 . Cheer Excitement Stars - Junior Level 3 - Beast of the East Competition, Hartford,
Jun 27, 2009 . Wildwood 2009 Beast of the East Cheerleading Thing? . Pocono Cheer Team
Providence, RI January 28th – 29th. Spirit Cheer-Beast of the East Nationals
WSCCA State Cheer Competition – 1st Place, State Champions! MOSC – 1st
Feb 23, 2011 . Spirit Cheer Beast of the East Nationals took place on February 12-13 in Hartford,