Other articles:
Dec 30, 2009 . Making BASH script `for` handle filenames with spaces (or workaround) . will
Whitespace incorporated into the variable. do echo $planet done echo; echo "
Dec 15, 2011 . Bash knows an alternative syntax for the for loop, enclosing the loop . to
Jul 23, 2008 . If you wanna to someting like this: for I in $(zgrep -H "from= " /var/logs/*.gz 2>/dev/
bash gets unhappy if you leave a space on either side of the = sign. For example
Jun 26, 2001 . Re: for loop (bash) with spaces in filenames. > for f in `cat /pathtolist/mp3.txt` do
Apr 1, 2008 . How to prevent a Bash script using 'For' loops failing when encountering
Dec 9, 2008 . Explains how to process file name with spaces in for loop, while loop and find
Jul 11, 2011 . There are two types of bash for loops available. One using . The list can be a
Say I have a file: [user@myserver conf]$ cat schedule.txt 051004,echo "
Apr 14, 2012 . Just a small tip regarding looping over filenames that contain spaces.. Look at
Mar 13, 2008 . Explains how to use UNIX / Linux bash for loop spaces ( file name with spaces in
Loop breaking on any whitespace for word in `cat somefile` do echo Do
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged bash find
Aug 12, 2011 . Bash 'for' Loop and Filenames With Spaces. A quick post for my own future
I have a bash shell script that loops through all child directories (but . First, don't
What's the proper way to pass/handle arguments to a bash script that have
Sep 27, 2008 . Dear Future Me,. Are you trying to iterate over filenames with spaces in them
Hi everyone. I have a problem that I have been unable to solve. I need to write a
Jun 29, 2008 . Howto: Coax a BASH shell script into splitting for-loop elements by newline
Mar 12, 2008 . I like using for loops in bash, but today I wanted to loop through a bunch of
Jun 28, 2007 . The `find` here gets every directory in my home dir, one level deep, but some of
Bash for loop with files containing white space. Last Updated on Wednesday, 13
Hi, I have a for loop which iterates over a list of strings, separated by whitespace:
Mar 5, 2010 . How do convert tabs to spaces in a file using a bash shell? . The expand
May 16, 2006 . Howto loop based on some iterator · Howto use arrays in bash to store . have to
Nov 20, 2009 . However, if you try to process a for loop on file name with spaces in them you are
[SOLVED] Bash: loop over directories with spaces in their names . The problem
Feb 25, 2009 . Unfortunately filenames with spaces won't work correctly in bash for loops. Each
Oct 5, 2007 . The Bash for loop splits using a whitespace (space, tab or newline). This allows
Jun 28, 2010 . Similar to the Bash loop, Awk also provides for loop and while loop as we . .
Feb 28, 2012 . The operating system consists of various uses of 'loop' structures like 'while loop'
Aug 14, 2006 . Explains how to remove or replace empty spaces string using sed tool under
Oct 20, 2004 . The "Name of place" values often have spaces in them, which seems to be
Mar 18, 2011 . Inside the loop where you do diff $file /some/other/path/$file. the shell tries to
Dec 14, 2011 . Using a for loop in bash to read a file line by line can sometimes be very
Apr 20, 2012 . Q. How do I use bash for loop with spaces in a file name? { Comments on this
Aug 28, 2009 . The shell expands */ into separate arguments that the for loop reads; even if there
Mar 18, 2008 . bin/bash src="/my/path" #enable for loops over items with spaces in their name
Jan 17, 2010 . Then, we loop through the output (in the loop we reset the IFS incase we expect it
Find, For-loops, and Spaces in BASH. # Filed on May 8, 2006 by Anthony / 10
I have an issue where I am trying to move some folders that have spaces in them
Originally, this script was working for files without spaces int the . the find
Obviously, $f is getting word-split at each space encountered in $directory as well
Dec 23, 2009 . And since the lines in the input file got lines with spaces in between, above script
Linuxtopia Books - Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide - Loops. . loop
In a bash script, I want to iterate over all the directories in the present . Give this
Jan 9, 2004 . To: lesliev@xxxxxxxxxx; Subject: [GLUG-tech] Re: Bash FOR loop with spaces;
Dec 1, 2006 . for: begins the loop syntax in Bash. . I run into when receiving files from
I have 2 files containing spaces in the filename. a 1 1.txt b 2 2.txt The follow bash