Dec 19, 11
Other articles:
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  • Definition: [noun] bowl for baptismal water. Synonyms: baptismal font, baptistry,
  • orthodox baptistery definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
  • Synonymous Matrix For The Word "BAPTISTERY" . baptismal font, baptistery,
  • Definition of baptistery in the Dictionary. Meaning of baptistery.
  • Nearby definitions. baptistic · baptistic doctrine · baptistry · baptists · baptize ·
  • noun pl. baptisteries 1. a place, esp. a part of a church, used for baptizing 2. a
  • baptistery: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries
  • Definition of Baptistery with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and
  • The baptistry was part of a church. A definition from your Guide.
  • Baptistery - Definition of Baptistery is presented by 1913 online Webster's
  • Complete information and computations for baptistery: detailed linguistic
  • baptistery Definition. . baptistery baptistry noun baptisteries, baptistries. 1. The
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  • Baptistery definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • Meaning of Baptistery: Alt. of Baptistry. . baptistery 2. Definition: bowl for
  • Baptistery meaning , Definition of baptistery , meaning of baptistery , Baptistery -
  • Definition of Baptistery. . Free Download Now! Baptistery Definition from
  • Definition of Baptistery in dictionary by GoalEver. means Alt. of Baptistry.
  • baptistery - definition, usage, synonyms, thesaurus.
  • baptistery (băp`tĭstrē), part of a church, or a separate building in connection with it
  • noun pl. baptisteries. a place, esp. a part of a church, used for baptizing; a
  • Define baptistery. What is baptistery? baptistery meaning, synonyms and audio
  • Definition of baptistery. What is meaning of baptistery in all .
  • Definition of baptistery in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed
  • 3 definitions found for baptistery: From The Collaborative International Dictionary
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  • Baptistery Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
  • (n.) A part of a church containing a font and used for baptismal services. (n.) In
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  • The name baptistery is also given to a kind of chapel in a large church, which
  • baptistery also baptistry n. , pl. , -ies , also -tries . A part of a church or a separate
  • BAPTISTERY as Noun Definition 1, Bowl for baptismal water. BOWL, arena,
  • bap·tis·ter·y also bap·tis·try (b p t -str ). n. pl. bap·tis·ter·ies also bap·tis·tries. 1. A
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  • bap·tis·ter·y also bap·tis·try (b p t -str ). n. pl. bap·tis·ter·ies also bap·tis·tries. 1. A
  • of 35.4 m/113 ft; the building is raised on three steps, and surmounted by a dome.
  • Is Baptisteries a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is
  • baptistery: meaning and definitions - baptistery: Definition and Pronunciation;
  • A part of a church or a separate building used for baptizing.
  • Baptistry meaning , Definition of baptistry , meaning of baptistry , Baptistry - 1
  • The best rhymes for "baptistery" are the words closest to it in the list. The farther
  • BAPTISTERY definition : n. Alternative spelling of baptistry.
  • Definition of baptistry in the dictionary. Meaning of baptistry. What
  • Baptistery definition, definition of baptistery, Anagrams of baptistery, words that
  • Baptistery explanation. Definition of Baptistery is provided by 1913 Webster's
  • You can complete the definition of baptistery given by the English - Definition
  • plural bap·tis·ter·ies or bap·tis·tries. Definition of BAPTISTERY. : a part of a church
  • Baptistry definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,

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