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A balanced sentence is a type of parallel sentence in which two parallel . The
. of the chapters into paragraphs, of the paragraphs into sentences, although it .
Jump to: navigation, search. A balanced sentence is a sentence that employs
Professor Landon points out that balanced sentences, in drawing their strength .
Elements in a sentence that have the same function or express similar ideas
Mar 14, 2011 . Can you tell me a balanced sentence in chapter 8 of the scarlet letter by
Aug 4, 2009 . The paragraph contains not one single balanced sentence, . she writes for
Vocabulary words for Literary Terms 1. Includes studying .
In a balanced sentence, the phrases or clauses balance each other by virtue of
What makes that so good from a literary point of view is that the two halves of the
How to Write Balanced Sentences. By Geraldine Woods. In art class, you draw
AP English Literature - Literary Terms. Hide All Show All Shuffle .
AP English Literature - Literary Terms . elements are presented in a series
Guide to Literary Terms: Antithesis. . Antithesis - contrary ideas expressed in a
Nov 17, 2009 . The paragraph contains not one single balanced sentence, let alone a . and
Many of the balanced examples of sentences found in literature have an
Allegory- a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent .
Examine writing style and techniques: vivid images, powerful descriptions,
allegory— a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent .
What is an example of a balanced sentence? In: Literary Terms [Edit categories].
The balanced sentence The balanced sentence is a type of parallel construction
Students will examine the story for use of balanced sentences and parallelism—
Here will find a list literary devices with definitions and examples. . vowel group,
Rhetorical Devices -- The use of language that creates a literary effect . In a
When the different clauses of a compound sentence are made similar in form,
euphuism, literary term, A highly ornate style of writing popularized by John Lyly's
Literary & Compositional Tools » Sentence Structure » Balanced Sentences and
ACTION: any literary narrative which is created in the author's mind . ..
periodic sentence [ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪk]. n. (Literature / Rhetoric) Rhetoric a sentence
balance having a good structure for your literature review is vital. The funnel
loose sentence - a type of sentence in which the main idea comes first, . ..
A sentence in which the main clause or its predicate is withheld until the end; for
The study of how words are organised into phrases, clauses and sentences is . ..
From a rhetorical point of view, sentences are loose, periodic, or balanced. . and
Oct 12, 2011 . GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS . balanced sentence—a sentence in which
a sentence consisting of two or more clauses that are parallel in structure. . What
Top questions and answers about Balanced Sentence in Literature. Find 67
1.1 Situation and purpose. 2 Stylistic choices. 2.1 Sentence forms. 2.1.1 The
Jan 11, 2012 . PALINDROME: A word, sentence, or verse that reads the same way backward .
Vocabulary words for Literary Terms. Includes studying games .
May 6, 2010. FitnessMedicineConferencesArt & LiteratureLifestyleTravelTemplates .
Our further study will be in sentences which are combinations of simple
Taken out of context, this sentence is so general it could be used as the
Answers.com > Wiki Answers > Categories > Literature & Language > Books and
Education, The School, and the Teacher, in English Literature. Ed. Henry Barnard
Balanced sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
by Browning. balanced sentence. See Oxymoron. BALLAD now has various
If you love the English language, you will find well balanced sentence, and
Identifying and Using Parallelism and Balance in Literature: Students will