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list of literary terms you should learn. . ID: 35095. Filename: Literary Terms.
of words as a rhyming device couplet two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
The primitive elements describe the stylistic effects of individual sentence
Welcome to the website dedicated to literary devices (literary terms). . (The 'W'
Students must balance their play time and study time to avoid stress and achieve
Visit the page called Literary Terminology—A Glossary Of Literary Terms for a . ..
With all of this in mind, here is a dictionary of terms which should be useful to you
Vocabulary words for Literary Terms. Includes studying games .
Oct 10, 2007 . ANAPHORA Repetition of a word, phrase, or clause at the beginning of .
Dec 13, 2008 . Title: Literary Terms (50) . . The same as a cumulative sentence, this sentence
In literature and film the term can be more broadly applied, so we have the . .. it
Dec 14, 2009 . Analogy- a literary device employed to serve as a basis for comparison. . .. in
The following terms and concepts pertaining to sentence structure are essential
An asterisk (*) next to a term in a definition indicates that the term is defined . .
4. allegory - a literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent . 25
AP English Literature - Literary Terms. Hide All Show All Shuffle .
Rhetorical Devices -- The use of language that creates a literary effect – enhance
ABLAUT: Jacob Grimm's term for the way in which Old English strong verbs
Inverted sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
A sentence in which the main clause or its predicate is withheld until the end; for
Sep 14, 2011 . ALLUSION - a reference to a Biblical, mythological, literary, or historical . 7
Vocabulary words for English 11 AP Literary Terms. Includes .
ambiguity – The multiple meanings, either intentional or unintentional, of a word,
Definition of periodic sentence in the Online Dictionary. . (Literature / Rhetoric)
Download Balanced Sentences doc or preview the file before downloading the .
In English literature and writing, what does "cumulative Sentence" mean? thanks.
Jump to: navigation, search. A balanced sentence is a sentence that employs
SCHEMES -- Schemes are figures of speech that deal with word order, . or J. A.
Vocabulary words for tone and AP literary terms cumulative .
AP English Literature - Literary Terms . implied or associative meaning of a word
ACTION: any literary narrative which is created in the author's mind . .
May 3, 2010 . Vocabulary words for AP English Literary Terms. . balanced clauses, a perfectly
What is an example of a balanced sentence? In: Literary Terms [Edit categories].
Oct 12, 2011 . GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS . balanced sentence—a sentence in which
Aug 6, 2009 . Quick List of Common Literary Terms (Terms most applicable to AP . Balance—
A Glossary of Litterary Terms, Page 2, Robert A. Harris . style of writing
Vocabulary words for Literary Terms 1. Includes studying .
The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of
Find 1990 questions and answers about Examples of Cumulative Sentence at .
PALINDROME: A word, sentence, or verse that reads the same way backward or
Connotation- the implied or associative meaning of a word. Cumulative sentence
We will work on annotating text throughout the year. LITERARY TERMS LISTING.
A literary definintion of the term is also included in blue text following the name of
Java Games: Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word .
inverted syntax--reversing the normal word order of a sentence; e.g. . satire--a
The Glossary of Literary Terms. . of the initial, middle or final word or word-group
Major Literary Terms . loose sentence - a type of sentence in which the main
Inverted Sentence Structure: A sentence in which the normal grammatical order
Guide to Literary Terms: Antithesis. Print · PDF · Cite; Share. Antithesis - contrary