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May 26, 2011 . The parallel phrases in this sentence, balanced by the fulcrum but, are .
In a balanced sentence, the phrases or clauses balance each other by virtue of
The balanced sentence is a later development in rhetorical theory. . John
Balance puzzle. A number of logic puzzles exist that are based on the balancing
One sentence definition? Perfect balance means all champions are viable in a
balance definition: Balance is the amount of something left over after additions
Aug 25, 2009 . This is the definition that applies to sentence structure, for when sentence
Top questions and answers about Definition of Balanced Sentence. Find 802
Definitions of balanced sentence, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of balanced
The Balanced Sentence is well suited to satire and epigram, and to essays in
Sep 19, 2011 . It is considered to be a form balanced sentence or statement construction. Some
Periodic sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
A sentence in which the main clause or its predicate is withheld until the end; for
Antithesis - contrary ideas expressed in a balanced sentence. . clauses, or
Telegraphic Sentence. sentence with less than 5 words .
One half point for spelling, one half point for the definition and one point for the
Balanced Meaning and Definition from WordNet (r) 2.0. balanced adj; being in a
Some of these examples illustrate not only balanced sentences but also a device
A compound sentence from the movie Braveheart (1995). Definition: A sentence
Before elaborating too much on the nature of sentences or trying to define a . .
Definition of LOOSE SENTENCE. : a sentence in which the principal clause
Balanced sentences. Balanced sentences use parallel elements—words,
Parallel structure in a sentence from Francis Bacon's essay "Of Studies" (1625) .
Definition Balanced Sentence. Find Documents and Other Information to Use In
Here will find a list literary devices with definitions and examples. . vowel group,
How to use balance in a sentence. Example sentences with the .
Simple Sentence. Compound Sentence. Complex Sentence. Compound-
The antithetical opening sentence of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
Explore the prevalence of balanced rhythm in our speech and writing and look at
Balance puzzle. A number of logic puzzles exist that are based on the balancing
A balanced sentence is a sentence that achieves a certain kind of equilibrium in
Notice that there are slightly different shades of meaning in each of these
Balanced sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Loose sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Feb 6, 2011 . Also give me examples with these words: 1.adulati…
Definition: A long and frequently involved sentence, marked by suspended
Definitions of balanced sentence, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of balanced
Balanced-Sentence-Structure-Examples - What Are The Examples Of Sentences
The most basic units of meaning are simple words (e.g.: dog, yes and swim) or
2.1.1 The loose sentence; 2.1.2 The periodic sentence; 2.1.3 The balanced . ask
periodic sentence, a long sentence in which the completion of the syntax and
The Segregating Style. Definition: Grammatically simple, expressing a single
A balanced sentence is a sentence that employs parallel structure of . Lincoln's
A balanced sentence is made up of two parts that are roughly equal in length,
Find 34 questions and answers about balanced sentence at Ask.com Read . Try
balanced sentence: Definition and Pronunciation. . a sentence consisting of two
What are some examples of balanced sentences? It was the best of times, it was
'example of balanced sentence' Introduction . The meaning of a loose sentence
When ideas in a sentence or paragraph are similar, you can reinforce these