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Definitions of balanced sentence, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of balanced
A sentence that contains at least two independent clauses. . W. M. Baskervill ·
Definition: A long and frequently involved sentence, marked by suspended
Top questions and answers about Example of a Balanced Sentence. Find 2300
Example. After having spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours
The Cumulative Sentence. Definition: Initial independent clause followed by
Elements in a sentence that have the same function or express similar ideas
An independent clause followed by a series of subordinate constructions that
Oct 17, 2010 . Use A and B method. Sentence A: Don't let the dog run wild. Sentence B: Let the
ILL-BALANCED SENTENCES: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation,
A balanced sentence is made up of two parts that are roughly equal in length,
The Balanced Sentence is well suited to satire and epigram, and to essays in
A balanced sentence is a sentence that achieves a certain kind of equilibrium in
Definition of cumulative from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio .
In this example, "since Bob was here" modifies the main part of the sentence. . .
Balanced sentence. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation,
How do you use balance in a sentence? In: Example Sentences [Edit categories].
An antithesis is a figure of speech where two very opposing lines of thought or
May 26, 2011 . The parallel phrases in this sentence, balanced by the fulcrum but, are . This
This lecture explores the definition of a sentence and introduces several
Example sentences with the word balance. balance example .
The balanced sentence is a later development in rhetorical theory. . John
Example week for teachers of a balanced literacy classroom in the middle. use
Before elaborating too much on the nature of sentences or trying to define a . .
Cumulative sentences complete the main idea at the beginning of the sentence,
Main Entry: inverted sentence. Part of Speech: n. Definition: any sentence in
"He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and
Top questions and answers about Definition of Balanced Sentence. Find 802
In the second example, "who are" makes sense with "ambitious," but "are" must
balanced sentence: Definition and Pronunciation. . a sentence consisting of two
To understand the use of parallelism and balanced sentences; To write . Define
Excerpt related to effect using balanced sentence: . Define reporting system
Definition of LOOSE SENTENCE. : a sentence in which the principal clause
Periodic sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Definition Balanced Sentence. Find Documents and Other Information to Use In
Balance puzzle. A number of logic puzzles exist that are based on the balancing
One half point for spelling, one half point for the definition and one point for the
Jun 27, 2000 . One part of speech or of a sentence can be balanced only by one (or a . This
What is an example of a balanced sentence? In: Literary Terms [Edit categories].
Balanced sentence definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Dec 31, 2011 . It is natural, for example, for the subject and its modifiers to come before . The
In the field of linguistics, a sentence is an expression in natural language, and
2.1.1 The loose sentence; 2.1.2 The periodic sentence; 2.1.3 The balanced . For
cumulative definition: Cumulative describes something that is increasing or
Balanced Meaning and Definition from WordNet (r) 2.0. balanced adj; being in a
Aug 25, 2009 . This is the definition that applies to sentence structure, for when sentence
balanced sentence Helps to characterize a writerís style, usually accompanied
The study of how words are organised into phrases, clauses and sentences is
A balanced sentence is a type of parallel sentence in which two parallel . . [An
Definition: An allegory is a symbolism device where the meaning of a greater,