Other articles:
Dec 4, 2011 . Answer 1 of 2: It represents activity notifications related to you. You can clear it by
What Do Badges Mean in iPhone Notifications?. Push notifications alert you to
It's not really a problem. The client just needs to let the server know what
Oct 27, 2010 . @Rodolfo - can you verify that you have gone to iPhone Settings > Notifications >
Apr 30, 2012 . On the iPhone app, these notifications can appear within the app, as a numbered
Jan 26, 2011 . I specifically want to know what the difference is between badges and alerts in
Do iPhone notification badges drive you crazy? When you have a Twitter mention
Gmail (for iPhone). Prior to the re-release of the iOS Gmail app from Google,
As far as the notification, have you tried signing in through iphone safari . . Oddly
.badge { background: radial-gradient( center -9px, circle closest-side, white 0, red
Dec 31, 2011 . There is no way to shut off the "Badge" for notifications for iPhone IOS updates - I
Jan 1, 2012 . When the iPhone 4S Notification Center Alert Style "Banners" is chosen, both the
Badge Blindness and iPhone Push Notifications. June 16th, 2009. So iPhone OS
Oct 18, 2011 . Thanks to the iOS 5 Notification Center, there's finally a way to turn off . Yes, I'm
we need iphone to increase the badge numeric value on push . Yes, server side
This will reset the application badge number. If you set that value to zero, it will
Apr 16, 2011 . Why can't I turn off some app badge notifications? . I'm using an in iPhone 4 with
The badge is the little red circle on the top left corner of the app button with a
Can some one help me? My farmville app continuously shows a 1 for the
Im new to the iphone and im assuming having push notifications turned will chew
Mar 7, 2011 . As speculation and rumors move from the iPad 2 to the iPhone 5, . type of
May 19, 2011 . iPhone push notifications. Step 3. Badge App Icon, Sounds, and View in Lock
An explanation of iPhone push notifications, a tool that lets apps update . or
Hi Folks, I have so many red notification badges on all my apps that they no
[Archive] iPhone Notifications Not Working iPhone Tips, Help and . lock screen,
Badges are notifications that pop up on your screen above whatever app you
What is the difference between badges and alerts for iPhone notifications? In:
May 26, 2010 . What are iPhone badges? The iPhone uses badges to indicate that a new
Push notifications are a tool available through certain iPhone apps that allow .
Aug 5, 2011 . With BadgeClear Cydia tweak you can clear pesky notifications from
Jul 26, 2011 . Update 1.4.2 to Tweetbot for iPhone adds push notification badges to the app
Apr 11, 2011 . It is a way for an app to send information to your phone (via a badge, alert, .
Oct 8, 2011 . Answer 1 of 1: Sounds, Alerts, and Badges are the three notification types
Android users can control notifications completely within the Instagram
I have push notifications enabled, but chess.com doesn't update the badge count
Apr 13, 2011 . The iPhone app is coming along nicely, but it would be far more useful if it had
Push notifications allow an iPhone or an iPod touch to receive incoming
. devices; such notifications may include badges, sounds or custom text alerts. .
Hi all --- Is anyone aware that both the free version and the paid versions have a
Jul 13, 2009 . With Push Notifications, we can now instantly update the badge number on your
Jan 25, 2012 . Here are some tips for how to best utilize the Notifications Center in iOS 5 on your
This answer closely relates to: Iphone notifications alerts badges · My iphone 4
Have logged out of them, rebooted iPhone (4/32GB) and logged back in,
Aug 6, 2011 . When Apple introduced the App Store way back then, and later the whole
Change Notification Badge Bubble Colour on iPhone | Cydia Tweak. 13/02/2012.
Mar 19, 2012 . Sparrow Push brings badge notifications to the iPhone's newest email app.
Oct 14, 2011 . Read this blog post by Jessica Dolcourt on iPhone Atlas. . badges, or tickers