Jan 13, 12
Other articles:
  • Some of the most commonly used letter symbols include “K” for strikeout (
  • Aug 29, 2011 . Unicode Entity Codes for Phonetic Symbols . (K) | L | M-N | O | (P) | (Q) | R | S | T
  • Dec 17, 2011 . Guides on Alt codes for symbols, cool Unicode characters, HTML entity
  • originally from scoring a baseball game, a backwards K is the symbol for "caught
  • 'K' is a Strike; The symbol "K" is used because it is made with 3 strokes of the
  • was a called strike three, a "Kc" or a backwards "K" would be placed in the box. A
  • The symbols are as follows: "F"---fly ball, "L"---line drive, "K"---strikeout swinging,
  • Apr 21, 2011 . A neighbor taught me the basics, including the backwards K (which is the symbol
  • Apr 9, 2007 . That is how the symbol got started. There are a few other little interesting things
  • Navigate Backward, Alt+. Navigate Forward, Alt+ . Make Template, Shift+Ctrl+K.
  • May 31, 2011 . And let's not forget the deadly but silent backwards k, the symbol for "struck out
  • Mar 22, 2005 . Would you kindly tell me how long the K has been used as a symbol for a . carry
  • (U+1D232 GREEK INSTRUMENTAL NOTATION SYMBOL-36) looks a lot more
  • A strikeout looking (where the batter does not swing at a pitch that the umpire
  • Is there a way to enter a backwards "K" into excel? The score keeping symbol for
  • originally from scoring a baseball game, a backwards K is the symbol for "caught
  • Is there a way to enter a backwards "K" into excel? The score keeping symbol for
  • Sign up Login · Music Video Games Browse People · Photo of Divine Anomaly ·
  • How to get a backwards k for bbm? - Cursive letters symbols bbm. How to make
  • Type backwards letter k text . . Type backwards k on mac . . Anyone got a
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • What are all the symbols people use on myspace? Where do I get them? .
  • Play (Forward) or Solid right arrow. ◄ Rewind (Backward) or Solid left arrow. ↕
  • When keeping score in baseball, what does a backwards K represent? ChaCha
  • Sep 16, 2006 . The backwards K is probably a bit too close to the symbol for Chiron: Chiron . (plz
  • Jul 12, 2005 . A sideways Graffiti "K" is a "Y". A backwards Graffiti shortcut symbol is a "D". (
  • Apr 8, 2010 . Can someone give me a backwards K symbol ? Capitol preferably? where can I
  • Whenever someone says "cheeeese. !" people throw up reverse peace signs to
  • Feb 21, 2010 . Greek Therefore Symbol In S & N Directions With 4 As An Extra. 卐 = Nazi Cross.
  • There is a glaring "error" in the cipher where a symbol is crossed out and
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • Is there a way to enter a backwards "K" into excel? The score keeping symbol for
  • Help with backwards cold hot problem on Kohler K-18486-4 - Symbol Roman
  • A "K" is placed in his box to indicate that he struck out. If it was a called strike
  • The image to the right is an example of dissing between gangs. The symbols are
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • The zig-zag line is the old symbol for a resistor and you may find it in older .
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • So much so, that fans at major league baseball games displaying a "K" sign for .
  • TAGs: Myspace symbols, Myspace symbol codes, character codes, symbols for
  • Some symbols and abbreviations are shared by nearly all scorekeeping systems.
  • I merely used the term 'PI' (although it isn't really a PI symbol) to point out that it
  • Strikeouts are recorded with a K if the batter strikes out swinging, and a
  • Jun 21, 2011 . After that it's just knowing the right symbols: K - strikeout swinging. ʞ (backwards
  • Learning the abbreviations and symbols used in scoring baseball and softball .
  • A backward K is the scoring symbol for a batter called out on a thrid strike or "
  • View definition and meaning of backwards kanga .
  • “[Randy] Myers K's side in 9th” (The Baltimore Sun headline, Apr. 6, 1996). K (
  • May 29, 2008 . As before, a trailing “K” is a threat to “(K)ill”, as are any crossed-out letters. .

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