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backorder translation spanish, English - Spanish dictionary, meaning, see also '
An order that has to be filled later. The customer knows this and will wait. It is an
Backordered meaning , Definition of backordered , meaning of backordered ,
Search for "back order" in: Student Thesaurus · Rhyming Dictionary. Browse
Definition of backorder. What is meaning of backorder in all languages.
Certain metrics, such as Inventory Turns, have a widely accepted definition. Other
Expressions, Domain, Definition. Back Order · Economics, That portion of an
I have a channel master Titan 7777 on order from a local distributer but it's been
Backorder - Definition of Backorder on Investopedia - An order for a good or
Kamus.net is the largest english - indonesia - english dictionary on the net.
Definition of backorder costs: The real and perceived costs of the inability to fulfill
The key element in this definition is that the intellectual property rights of . . a
Definition: A backorder involves those line items within a customer order which
An order for a good or service that cannot be filled at the current time due to
Back Order -- That portion of an order that cannot be delivered at the scheduled
Definitions of backorder, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of backorder,
understanding of when an order becomes a “back order.” By consensus, the task
An order by a customer that cannot be filled because the seller does not have the
Definition of BACKORDER An order that has to be filled later.
Aug 13, 2010 . Backordered: This means that the company would normally have that item but it is
Back Order - Definition of Back Order on Investopedia - A customer order that has
Definition. Backorder. The ability to order a SKU that is currently sold out, but will
Certain goals are defined and the service level gives the percentage to which .
backorder: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries
Backorder , backorder meaning , definition of backorder , meaning of backorder -
Definition of backorder: A customer order that cannot be filled when presented,
Sep 20, 2007 . Go Back, Cafepharma Message Boards > Medical Equipment/Device Sales > Vital
something you bought online that is not in stock and you will have to wait months
Definition of back order from select business dictionary.
Sep 1, 2009 . What Are Sort Profiles for CTM? These are necessary for backorder processing. (
Nov 23, 2006 . If you order something online or from a catalog and the company does not have
Top questions and answers about Meaning of Backorder. Find 111 questions
Sep 22, 2010 . Customer order which cannot be filled now, and for which the customer is
The following functions are provided to support Backorder Processing functions:
Definition of back-order from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
Business Definition for: back order. Dictionary of Accounting Terms. back order.
Backorder Costs - Definition of Backorder Costs on Investopedia - A cost incurred
Skip to definition. . Verb: backorder 'bak,or-du(r) . "Find out more about the
BACKORDER - Definition and Derived Words.
an order to be filled when stock is renewed. transitive verb. to deal with as a back
Back order definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
back order [′bak ‚ȯrd·ər]. (industrial engineering). An order held for future
back order ( ′bak ′ördər ) ( industrial engineering ) An order held for future
Nov 11, 2011 . Backorder Domain Names- Domain Backordering - Best Backordering Serivice-
3 Sep 2009 . English term or phrase: backorder. Definition from Bridgefield Group : A current or
Definition of back order (noun) form plural: back orders ordered merchandise that
References. backorder definition. Photo Credit shopping image by hannahfelicity
Definition of back order from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
BACKORDER is a customer order or contractual line item, current or past due,
Top questions and answers about Backorder Definition. Find 1 questions and