Dec 9, 11
Other articles:
  • The adjective averse means strongly disinclined; often it refers to people. . Basic
  • Many commentators, British and American, warn us against confusing adverse
  • Top questions and answers about Aversion in a Sentence. Find 13 questions and
  • Its roots lie in Old English and Old High German. Here's my attempt at using them
  • Aversion definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • Use averse in a sentence. To this Bigot was by no means averse, for his own
  • And a sentence ending in a preposition is a grammatical transgression up with
  • How to use averse in a sentence? ChaCha Answer: You are not likely to become a
  • naver.jp: "cautious risk-averse"; Tanaka Corpus + Additions by Tatoeba.org .
  • Meaningful sentences: The prisoner was inured to the torture. .
  • Jan 26, 2011 . 1. He is averse to come. He is reluctant to come. Do the two sentences have the
  • accept a plea bargain sentence somewhat longer than the expected sentence
  • What would be a good sentence using averse? Improve . If you are averse to
  • How do you use the word averse in a sentence? Improve. In: Example Sentences
  • Results 1 - 13 of 13 . Sample sentences (English) for "aversion". Loss aversion is now recognised as
  • Top questions and answers about Use Averse in a Sentence. Find 13 questions
  • Define Adverse & Averse with Urdu and English meanings and sentences with
  • Jun 18, 2011 . Example Sentences using "risk-averse". The fact is, sensibly risk-averse investors
  • Top questions and answers about Sentence for Averse. Find 12 questions and
  • Then he says, "Nevertheless, flowers fall with our attachment, and weeds spring
  • Adverse definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . Example
  • to the language by choosing the word that best completes the sentence. Answers
  • Oct 27, 2011 . This trick sentence reminds you that averse means wanting to avoid (memorable
  • Adverse used correctly: El Niņo had an adverse effect on the weather. Here's a
  • Averse means having a strong feeling of opposition, antipathy, or repugnance.
  • How to use averse in a sentence. Example sentences with the word averse.
  • I am averse to gossip but it is difficult to avoid it. How do you use the word averse
  • Try substituting one of the synonyms listed here if you're unsure whether to use "
  • Completing the Sentence. Synonyms. Antonyms. Choosing the . 9 averse 10
  • Completing the Sentence. Synonyms. Antonyms. Choosing the . 9 averse 10
  • Results 1 - 8 of 8 . Sample sentences (French) for "averse". Une averse permettra au saguaro de
  • "Averse" is sort of a synonym for "reluctant." Particularly, it means that the person **has** reluctance regarding something. "I am averse to giving out .
  • Sep 29, 2011 . This sentence is saying that Tim dislikes or is against flying in an airplane. If you
  • Completing the Sentence. Synonyms. Antonyms. Choosing the Right Word. 1
  • Mar 28, 2011 . Browse translated example sentences. This page shows translations and
  • Jan 13, 2011 . A provincial court convicted and sentenced a truck driver to life in prison . a
  • Nov 9, 2011 . We forgot to finish our example sentence! In the sentence quoted, the author tells
  • So since people's moral views cannot coexist with any pattern of desire,
  • Mar 2, 2011 . Adverse Or Averse Pair of Words With Meaning And Sentence. Q: What is the .
  • Averse. Double click on any word to get a popup explanation of the word and
  • Mar 1, 2011 . Browse translated example sentences. This page shows translations and
  • Choose the word that best completes each sentence. You may need to . averse
  • Adverse Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample sentence
  • That is, the 1 percent probability of a 1000-day sentence has both low
  • Jun 7, 2008 . I could not come up with a sentence containing averse that did not have a
  • Adverse, Averse - Adverse means difficult, Averse means having a strong feeling
  • How to use aversion in a sentence. Example sentences with the .
  • What would be a good sentence using averse? If you are averse to hard study
  • Misusing the terms "adverse" and "averse" can be quite common. . these terms
  • Jun 18, 2011 . Example Sentences using "really averse". That which they are really averse to is

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