Other articles:
Nov 3, 2010 . Use LCA results. Encourage some products over others. LCA-based
Apr 22, 2010 . In an accounting or attributional LCA, a system is described as it is. In a
In this presentation, I distinguish between attributional and consequential life
Keywords: wood chips; life cycle assessment; bioethanol; biofuels; environmental
LCA studies can be attributional or consequential. [2]. Attributional LCA studies
There are two categories of life cycle analysis: “attributional” . Attributional LCA
Two differnt approaches to system delimitation are applied (attributional and
Advanced Environmental Assessments. Attributional and consequential LCA. 13
Chalmers University of Technology. Two types of LCA are distinguished in this
Direct and indirect land use changes and resulted GHG emissions. ❑ Life-cycle
Goal & Scope. • Functional unit. • Inventory. • Co-product allocation. • Impact
Sep 19, 2006 . An important distinction has been identified between attributional LCAs of the
Attributional LCA is defined by its focus on describing the environmentally
. R., Heijungs, R. and de Boer, I.J.M. (2008). Evaluation of consequential and
differences between ALCA and CLCA of the specific products as the outcomes
discuss the distinction between attributional and consequential LCA. For the
Our life cycle assessment (LCA) has two aims: (i) to compare attributional and .
Course 3: Different modelling approaches in LCA – Building consequential and
An attributional LCA model describes the environmental impact of the solder life
Mar 1, 2010 . The difference between attributional and consequential types of life cycle
Attributional LCA (ALCA) is defined by its focus on describing the
GaBi 5 Workshop · Water Footprinting · Different modelling approaches in LCA –
Consequential and attributional approaches to LCA: a guide to policy makers
Oct 16, 2008 . Attributional versus Consequential LCA: Definition. Attributional LCA: Quantify
Attributional LCA versus Consequential LCA. During a workshop held in 2003,
Consequential and Attributional Approaches to LCA: a Guide to Policy Makers
This LCA approach is called attributional LCA. This methodology is used to
Oct 20, 2011 . LCA is a limited input-output representation of energy use and emissions p p p gy
Mar 10, 2011 . Technical Paper: Consequential and Attributional Approaches to LCA: a Guide to
Generally, two types of LCA study can be distinguished: attributional and
System definition, allocation, functional units, attributional and consequential
Types of LCA in this presentation. (Curran et al. 2001). • Attributional LCA, which
Modelling changes in LCA. A discussion of prospective and descriptive analysis
An Introduction to Attributional and Consequential LCI Models – Properties and
A strong connection exists between the choice between attributional LCA (ALCA)
Jun 12, 2008 . SpringerImages - Flowchart for the attributional LCA of conventional milk
Feb 4, 2011 . In a recent Tech Note, we clarified the differences between attributional life cycle
(CLCA) and attributional LCA (ALCA). Failure to distinguish between CLCA and
Allocation is part of the traditional attributional method. Attributional LCA seeks
Life Cycle Analysis became a privileged approach because of its holistic and
Oct 6, 2011 . Many LCA practitioners recognise two archetypal approaches to modelling the
Aug 7, 2011 . General overview of the differences between attributional and consequential LCA
Another distinction among LCAs is classifying them as either attributional or . An
Attributional LCA versus Consequential LCA. During a workshop held in 2003,
A key finding of the study states that based on an attributional LCA and current
Aug 16, 2004 . The attributional LCA may be seen as a too simplified picture of reality, when
Life-cycle analysis methodologies (John DeCicco's presentation). ➢
Consequential versus Attributional. ▪ Attributional LCA looks at what happened