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adj. 1. being in attendance. 2. associated; accompanying; related attendant
. n careworn adj cargo Find the opposite of goods Not find synonyms wardens,
adj. Being present: ships and attendant sailors. Accompanying or following as a
(adj) attendant, consequent, accompanying, concomitant, incidental, ensuant,
Results 1 - 13 of 13 . Translation for 'attendant' in the free Romanian dictionary. More Romanian .
'attendant's' is hyphenated as: 'at-ten-dant's' Word stem for 'attendant's': attendant;
Synonyms, Thesaurus & Antonyms of 'incident', Princeton's WordNet . (adj)
An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant. adj. Being present: ships
synonyms : attender , tender. (adj.) following or accompanying as a consequence
Information and translations of attendant in the most comprehensive . Phrases.
Boustrophedon boo-strof-ee'don, adj and adv (Greek, from bous ox and . A
Enter Word: 'attendant' is hyphenated as: 'at-ten-dant' Synonyms for 'attendant': (
Enter Word: 'accompanying' is hyphenated as: 'ac-com-pa-ny-ing' Word stem for '
Find visual synonyms of attendant. attendant Thesaurus, .
Search for Synonyms: . (adj) lacking, absent, missing, wanting . Antonyms:
attendant (adj). Synonyms: associated, linked, related, connected, consequent,
ChaCha Answer: A flight attendant could also be called a cabin host(ess), airline
Translations of orderly. orderly synonyms, orderly antonyms. . adj. 1. a. Free
2 an assistant to an important person. adj. accompanying: the sea and its
Antonyms for attendant at Synonyms.net with free online thesaurus, . Search for
Find the perfect synonym of attendant using this free online thesaurus and .
Dictionary | Wikipedia | Synonyms | Quotation | News . attendant adj : following
Synonyms : Ahsorptio, Imbibition, Immision, Inges- tion. a. of blood. . . Synonyms
Oct 15, 2010 . attendant [synonyms] adj. 1 waiting upon, accompanying, following; resultant,
The women attendants perform only the most menial offices. [Johnson . adj 1:
(adj) accompaniment, concomitant, attendant, co-occurrence an event or
concomitant adj. Occurring or existing concurrently; attendant. See synonyms at
Definitions of attendant, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of attendant, analogical
con·com·i·tant (k n-k m -t nt). adj. Occurring or existing concurrently; attendant.
attendant synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition,
Synonyms for attendant. Similarity of adj attendant. 2 senses of attendant. Sense
Synonyms for subordinate at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus,
What does orderly mean? orderly synonyms, orderly antonyms. . n. a soldier
Attendant definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
synonyms : incident. (adj.) following or accompanying as a consequence. "an
Synonyms for corroborative at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus,
attendant legal definition. Listen. adj. Accompanying; resulting in. For example, in
Attendant synonym suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically). Attendant synonym
adj easy to cut or chew. “tender beef”. Synonyms: comestible .
Synonyms: (n.) accessory, associate, (adj.) associative, attendant, corollary,
. meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term
You are here >; English Thesaurus >; Synonyms for absent . OPPOSITES: present,
an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems1; attendant
attendant - WordReference English-Polish Dictionary. . angielsko-polski, polsko-
"official" - meanings, definitions, synonyms, thesaurus and antonyms . [adj] -
Synonyms for attendant. Similarity of adj attendant. 2 senses of attendant.
SYNONYMS orderly, methodical, systematic. These adjectives mean proceeding
level crossing attendant synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English . adj.
filling station attendant synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English
2 an assistant to an important person. adj. accompanying: the sea and its