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One allele is for earlobes that are attached, while the other allele is for earlobes
Earlobes: Free ear lobes (dominant trait) vs. Attached ear lobes (recessive trait)
Seriously. I'm virtually certain that every painting or drawing of a . There's a
If your ear lobes are detached, even partially, from the side of your face, you
The allele for attached earlobes (e) is recessive. A woman who is heterozygous
Attached earlobes are recessive, so a child would have to receive an attached
Jan 10, 2011 . Today this guy pointed out that my earlobes were a…
Nov 28, 2007 ? My husband and I both have attached earlobes. Our newly born
Because one child has attached ear lobes, person I-2 must be Ee. . Because
Oct 17, 2005 . It is a commonplace of human anatomy and genetics that attached earlobes are a
If earlobes hang free, they are detached. If they attach directly to the side of the
Some people naturally have attached earlobes, but this looks very different from
Which type of earlobe is more common depends on ethnicity. Example: . What
Attached earlobes is a commonly referred to example of simple genetic
children, one has free earlobes and three have attached earlobes. Give the . (c)
Jun 27, 2011 . Science - A woman with free lobes marries a man who has attached ear lobes.
There is not actually any real proof that unattached earlobes are dominant. While
Jul 3, 2011 . Earlobes do NOT divide into two discrete types, attached and . However, all of
unattached earlobes freckles broad lips. no dimples attached earlobes no
Aug 4, 2010 . Your teacher and just about everything on the web says that parents with
It's genetic. I have attached earlobes. I also have weird thumbs. Both from those
The american indian stereotype is the other extreme in average size and
Aug 1, 2011 . 9, buzzle.com · http://www.buzzle.com/articles/attached-earlobes.html. 10,
freely hanging earlobes are the dominant allele and attached earlobes are
I'm the only person I know besides my mom and very few others who I've met that
attached earlobes kinda gross me out and/or make me feel awkward - IDK. They'
I was wondering how it is possible that I ended up with one ear lobe clearly
Learn more about all topics at ThirdAge.com including 'Attached Earlobes'.
Nov 28, 2007 . How is this possible since attached earlobes are recessive? . Many of us
Feb 29, 2008 . Some characteristics, like the shape of your hairline, whether your earlobes are
In humans, "unattached" earlobes are dominant over "attached" earlobes. "
The earlobes are composed of 2 portions - an attached upper part and an
Images: attached earlobes, from Google Images, bing, .
I think this cold adaptation works for europids like Cro magnon types tend to have
Top questions and answers about Attached Earlobes. Find 35 questions and
Dec 13, 2010 . Attached earlobes are nothing but a genetic trait. Read on to know more on how
For some people, the ear lobes are connected directly to the side of their head,
Attached Earlobes or Ears without Lobes are considered to show lack of focus.
Oh you have attached earlobes? Excuse me while i take my clothes off - Attached
Dec 8, 2011 . Attached vs. free earlobes are often used to illustrate basic genetics. The myth is
Such a ratio would require that the allele frequency for free lobes were precisely
Apr 13, 2004 . The gene for free hanging earlobes is dominant, and the gene for attached
Nope - my earlobes stick out. It looks like here some of us have attached
Okay, I've been stretching for a while now and am currently at a 0g. I want to get
To have attached earlobes, did both parents need to have this too?
person with attached ear lobes will have the lowest point of the . not have the
Are your earlobes attached to the side of your head? Don't tell anyone, but this
Sep 4, 2009 . Whether or not you have attached or free earlobes is determined by your
Nov 26, 2007 . Attached earlobes are recessive to free earlobes. What is the probability of