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Famous Sports Motivational Power Quotes, sayings, quotations by Sporting
Sayings and Quotes . is the sport through which I am able to express my God-
Gerald R. Ford; Even in the dictionary, academics comes before athletics. -
Looking to motivate or inspire the athlete in your life? . Enjoy the inspirational
These inspirational sports quotes and sayings can be used for motivation - and
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Nov 8, 2010 . Tweet “Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from
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Here are some running quotes and inspirational sayings from women athletes.
Oct 24, 2008 . Motivational quotes for athletes. Many great quotes from great people. "It's not the
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Motivational Quotes for Athletes. The best inspirational quotes for athletes from
It can be a saying of your own, one your parents or coaches have used to
Records 1 - 16 of 16 . Looking for famous quotes and sayings by Lawrence Peter Berra? . Lawrence
These inspirational sports quotes from athletes, coaches and commentators are
Famous sports men and athletes from the past and from the present. Short
Athlete Quotes and Sayings - Quotes about Athlete.
It seems that some of the best sayings can be used in virtually any situation of life.
Jesse Owens quotes (American Athlete, 4 time Gold Medalist in Track and Field
One of the great lessons I've learned in athletics is that you've got to discipline
Running Sayings. --Pre Quotes. “To give anything less than your best is to
Long before the sun has risen or the people who deliver your morning
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May 17, 2011 . Quotations about sports, from The Quote Garden. . ~John Madden I don't
If you are looking for quotes by Athlete then here is where you will find all the
Swimming quotations and non-swimming inspirational sayings . . "It's easy to
Aug 20, 2008 . Athletes have a history of saying some pretty outlandish things: some . Here is a
Motivational quotes for athletes are a collection of positive and motivating quotes
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Inspirational Sports Sayings: a collection. Part of a special section on
Think about these sports motivational quotes. . I hope these sports quotes will
Motivational quotes for athletes to help you win the big game, meet, or
A collection of volleyball quotes and sayings to help motivate and inspire
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