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The feds have shut down ATDHE.net and websites that stream live . One of the
Feb 2, 2011 . I did notice there is no mention of Homeland Security in the atricle however.
atdhe.net shut down by Dept of homeland security. (1/5) > >>. Kyle_G: http://
Feb 2, 2011 . The jig is up for a popular streaming sports site. The U.S. government has seized
Feb 1, 2011 . Atdhe.net shut down by homeland security. Atdhe.net doesn't show much cycling
Feb 1, 2011 . Feb 1 - Sports/TV streaming sites "Atdhe.net, channelsurfing.net" shutdown by
Feb 3, 2011 . Shut down are Atdhe.net, ChannelSurfing.net, HQ-Streams.com, HQ-Streams.net
Buffalo Sabres and Rochester Americans forum, message boards news and chat
I'm still not paying for the NFL or NBA package Homeland Security, fuck your
Feb 3, 2011. York shut down 10 streaming websites accused of illegally showing live .
Firstrow.net and channelsurfing.net also got shutdown firstnet was even better
Feb 2, 2011 . In addition to the government shut down of ATDHE.net, a popular (and illegal)
Feb 4, 2011 . "So Dana White [UFC president] got the Dept of Homeland Security to shut down
Jun 12, 2011 . atdhe.net shut down Free Iphone jailbreaker and Unlocker Download at Link in
OT: atdhe.net shut down by US Dep't of Homeland Security. Post by YogiStewart
ATDHE.net shut down by US Dept. of Homeland Security!! Off the Court Lounge.
Feb 4, 2011 . is there an alternative to atdhe.net ? atdhe has been shut down, i need an
Feb 2, 2011 . atdhe.net shut down by Dept of homeland security. . atdhe.net shut down by
Feb 2, 2011 . The same has held true for ATDHE.net which is back as ATDHENET.tv. From the
But the government's action didn't provide a permanent solution to the problem.
Okay, so: http://atdhe.net http://firstrow.net http://www.channelsurfing.net all got
User ID: 1235400. United States 02/04/2011 11:11 AM Report Abusive Post ·
Star Player. Shemyy's Avatar. Join Date: 08 2006. Location: U.S.. Teams: Anji,
Feb 2, 2011 . If they can shut down ATDHE, they can shut down anybody, including you and
not working for me either.. hope they haven't shut it down. Reply · Quote . atdhe.
Jun 7, 2011 . why was atdhe.net shut down Download Best Iphone jailbreaker and Unlocker
ATDHE.net, firstrow.net Shut Down. By KVNPark | Published: February 2, 2011.
Feb 27, 2011 . Gounce.com rant on the shutdown of ATDHE.net. . We run down the best apps
Feb 1, 2011 . Readers began notifying us this afternoon that sites like ATDHE.net . that had
went to ATDHE.net to watch the Rangers game, and I see it got shut down by
Feb 1, 2011 . ATDHE.NET will be availabe here starting from tomorow untill we set a new
www.atdhe.net SHUT DOWN! . Channel surfing was shut down too. .but they
Re: OT: atdhe.net shut down by US Dep't of Homeland Security. Post by Boobs
Feb 2, 2011 . My professor was bugging me tonight about it getting shut down. It's quite . The
Feb 2, 2011 . People who visit the homepage of ATDHE.net, a popular website known for .
Streaming Sports Sites Shut Down by Feds. ATDHE.net, channelsurfing.net
Title: atdhe.net shut down. BFQ - February 1, 2011 08:05 PM (GMT). Anyone
they used to stream all teh games of nba and shit on here now there gone the ice
Feb 1, 2011 . ATDHE.NET Shut Down. Jeez, I hope JBS doesn't get shut down for using this
http://atdhe.net/index.html Nooooooooooo! Now where will I watch streams?
NBA BACK! buke14's Avatar. Join Date: Jun 2010. Location: down south. Posts:
Feb 4, 2011 . Now that my favorite website for watching basketball games has been shut down,
atdhe.net shut down Free Iphone jailbreaker and Unlocker Download at Link in
Feb 1, 2011 . Wondering why several sports streaming sites were shut down this week? .
Feb 1, 2011 . Crap!!! How will I watch my matches and shows online now?!?!! http://
Re: Atdhe.net Shut Down. Post by ILoveWHU » Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:10 am. They
Feb 1, 2011 . Not worried. ..the minute the feds shut it down there will be 4 more sites popping
http://atdhe.net/ Well, looks like they finally took over the site and shut it down.
NOTICE: ATDHE.NET was shut down today. We will try anything we can to bring
Feb 3, 2011 . Author: [NBA Betting] Topic: atdhe.net shut down by US Dep't of Homeland