Other articles:
www.astswmo.org/Files/Policies. /2007BUSurveyReport11-30-07.pdfSimilarof non-hazardous, industrial solid wastes (e.g., wood ash, coal ash, and foundry
www.coalitionforenergysolutions.org/facts_and_informationrev1.pdfCachedMar 15, 2011 . 2,000 Bq: 1 kg of coal ash. 3,000 Bq: radon . http://www.astswmo.org/files/
www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-06-21/pdf/2010-12286.pdfSimilarJun 21, 2010 . Committee on Mine Placement of Coal Combustion . . that are excavated so that
www.tautechnical.com/?p=607Oct 11, 2011 . EPA Issues Coal Ash Notice of Data Availability . by the Association of State and
www.nga.org/cms/home/. /nga. /title_november-16-20.htmlCachedNov 16, 2009 . To begin, according to a survey conducted by the Association of State and
waste.supportportal.com/. /What-is-EPA-s-position-on-the-effectiveness-of- existing-state-programs-regulating-coal-ash-disposalCachedJul 23, 2010 . According to a 2009 ASTSWMO (Association of Solid and Territorial Solid Waste
www.recyclingfirst.org/PDF/MI%20DEQ%203-31-09.pdfCachedThis compilation incorporates responses received by ASTSWMO as of March 31,
www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/. /2050_112309-4.pdfCachedNov 4, 2009 . www.astswmo.org. November 4, . Federal Regulation of Disposal of Coal Ash . .
www2.epa.gov/region8/state-solid-waste-program-assistanceCachedSimilarMar 16, 2014 . A topical report by Coal Ash Resources Research Consortium . . of State and
www.mitchellwilliamslaw.com/. /1325788655Scan_Attachment103.pdfCachedNov 14, 2011 . ASTSWMO's members are responsible for State solid and hazardous . No state
https://www.law.northwestern.edu/laWreview/. /LR100n4Fortney.pdfCachedCoal ash was the single biggest constituent of the waste stream until the . .
www.rtt-law.com/. /coal-ash. /regulatory-survey-of-coal-ash-and-coal- combustion-residuals/CachedJan 7, 2013 . (ASTSWMO). To view the survey, click here. Focus on coal ash classifications
www.astswmo.org/. /Coal. /New_Jersey_DEP_Comments.pdfCachedpower plants as well as those states using the coal ash for beneficial uses.
www.environmentalintegrity.org/. /2012.06.20CRSReportHighlightsfinalEIP .pdfCachedSimilarJun 20, 2012 . enforceable standards for coal ash, also known as coal combustion . Solid
www.astswmo.org/. /Coal. /Alabama_NODA_Comments.pdfCachedNov 14, 2011 . Special Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from . States Fail to
www.southeastcoalash.org/. /TN-Regulatory-and-Damage-Report.pdfCachedOct 26, 2010 . Report: Tennessee Coal Ash Regulations and Damage Cases . . ASTSWMO
dailyhaymaker.com/wp. /03/The-Facts-about-Coal-Ash-Regs.pdfCacheddisposal of coal ash and other coal combustion byproducts (CCBs) under the .
www.ss-awma.org/documents/2010/annual/. /steve%20cobb.pptCachedJun 21, 2010 . Safe Management of Coal Ash; Groundwater Protection; Drinking Water .
www.astswmo.org/Pages/Meetings/Recorded_Sessions.htmCachedSimilarMay 22, 2014 . Steve Socash, Chief, Division of Municipal and Residual Waste, Pennsylvania
www.bna.com/restrictions-vary-coal-n17179870574/CachedOct 26, 2012 . Earthjustice, an environmental law firm closely involved with the ongoing coal
democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/. /Testimony-Zdanowicz-EE-HR- 1391-Recycling-Coal-Combustion-Residuals-Accessibility-Act-2011. CachedApr 14, 2011 . ASTSWMO opposes regulation of Coal Combustion Residuals . . In contrast,
www.clu-in.org/ecotools/urbangardens.cfmCachedJun 16, 2014 . Coal ash, Coal-fired power plants; landfills, Molybdenum, sulfur. Sewage sludge
www.thecoalinstitute.org/. /Thomas%20Adams%20NCCI%20Spring.pdfCachedApr 14, 2010 . Publishing a biannual magazine, ASH at Work, and an exclusive . Co-hosting
https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/recycling/houston.pdfCachedTerritorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) and mix them with . .
www.stateside.com/. /Stateside-Associates-April-2013-Groups-Report.pdfCachedApr 1, 2013 . ASTSWMO will hold its Mid-Year Meeting April 24-25 in. Billings, Montana. The
www.cleanwaterfund.org/. /Toxic%20Trash%20Exposed%20- %20Coal%20Ash%20Polluton%20in%20Michigan%20- . CachedSimilarunregulated storage areas, and historic coal ash contamination sites threatens
www.envcap.org/statetools/brsl/brsl2010.cfm?st=WVCachedSimilarSep 15, 2010 . Application for Coal Ash Utilization (MS Word) · Construction and . ASTSWMO's
www.wastebusinessjournal.com/news/wbj20111011B.htmCachedOct 5, 2011 . The agency in July 2010 proposed to either regulate coal ash as . of State &
The author has contended that such ash should be deemed pozzolanic and .
www.astswmo.org/. /2012-09-BUTF-BU_of_CCRs_Report.pdfCachedSimilarregulation, 20 out of 21 (95%) include definitions of coal combustion fly ash and
www.ecos.org/section/policy/lettersCachedSimilarLetter with ASTSWMO to U.S. EPA about CCR Rule Implementation, June 3,
www.wipp.org/resource/. /Coal_Ash_Presentation_03_19.pdfCachedSimilarMar 19, 2010 . TVA Kingston facility coal ash release? ○ New RCRA regulations for CCBs –
www.uswag.org/MDE.pdfCachedApr 17, 2009 . . Management Omcial$ {ASTS WMO) Ad-huc Cod Ash Workgoup . of several
iwpnews.com/sample_issues/superfundreport_sample.pdfCachedSimilarNov 14, 2011 . Wisconsin Coal Ash Spill Prompts New Activist Calls . .. (ASTSWMO) annual
rmrc.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/P43Final.pdfCachedSimilarenvironmental impacts from the use of coal ash, and puts these impacts in .
dca.ky.gov/. /2012.10-Community_Gardening_Toolbox.pdfCachedThis document was prepared by the ASTSWMO Brownfields Focus Group, with
www.vrmca.com/downloads/files/AshandEPA.pdfCachedexisting coal ash impoundments. Consideration of . list coal ash as a hazardous
www.astswmo.org/. /2012-05-ASTSWMO_State_Superfund_FG-Marginally _Contaminated_Soils.pdfCachedSimilarmay contain coal or wood ash, and asphalt pavement that may contain . and
insideepa.com/Superfund-Report/. coal-ash. /menu-id-1094.htmlSep 30, 2011 . EPA in July 2010 proposed to either regulate coal ash as hazardous .
www.astswmo.org/Pages/Meetings/. /2010-Hazardous_Waste.htmlCachedAug 2, 2013 . The presentation on the ASTSWMO Coal Ash Workgroup will discuss past survey
REFERENCES American Coal Ash Association. Coal Combustion Product (CCP)
infohouse.p2ric.org/ref/32/31826.pdfThis document was prepared by the ASTSWMO Industrial D Waste Task Force:
www.mcilvainecompany.com/. /David%20Goss%20- %20American%20Coal%20Ash%20Association.pdfCachedAMERICAN COAL ASH . “Standards for the Management of Coal Combustion.
www.astswmo.org/Pages/Who_We_Are/Board_of_Directors.htmlCachedSimilarAug 7, 2014 . He also was a member of the ASTSWMO Coal Ash Ad-Hoc Work Group and
www.scribd.com/doc/137841145/2011-04-Final-Astswmo-Tenorm-PaperApr 24, 2013 . 2011.04 Final Astswmo Tenorm Paper - Download as PDF File (.pdf), . Coal ash
www.cga.ct.gov/2009/rpt/2009-R-0321.htmCachedSimilarSep 9, 2009 . You asked about the disposal of ash residue that results from the . of State and
www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/. /nr. /201407_eemf.pdfCachedyards of coal ash was released into the Emory River, . Bottom Ash- ash particles,
ehp.niehs.nih.gov/117-a498/CachedSimilarFly ash is captured in the chimneys of coal-fired power plants, while the heavier
samedaydumpsters.com/. /states-battle-activists-over-existing-coal-ash- regulation/CachedDec 1, 2011 . States Battle Activists Over Existing Coal Ash Regulation Date: . Waste