Jan 4, 12
Other articles:
  • Apr 20, 2010 . In older children, viruses are still the commonest cause of wheezing. But other
  • Dec 11, 2009 . Symptoms of an asthma attack in children include a wheeze or whistling sound
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  • Dec 29, 2010 . It may happen while no one knows ,you
  • This animation will show what happens in the lungs during an asthma attack and
  • Aug 1, 2009 . The best way to prevent asthma attacks in your child is to follow your doctor's
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  • Asthma attack in children is a cause of concern for many parents who may be
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  • Jun 10, 2010 . The first and foremost thing you can do to avoid asthma attacks in children, is
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  • An acute asthma exacerbation is commonly referred to as an asthma attack. . . In
  • Symptoms of asthma will often go on for two to three days, or sometimes more.
  • Before giving your child any medication, including over-the-counter medications,
  • Apr 21, 2011 . The following guidelines are suitable for both children and adults and are the
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  • Detailed information on asthma attack triggers and avoidance of allergens and
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