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Oct 6, 2011 . Oct 6, 06:47pm. Just kidding, I blame Heaps. (nm). outedcoug. Oct 6, 06:47pm.
11/17. I just heard one on Survivor last night that was so new it made beer come
. that over 35 billion gallons of beer are sold, and assumably consumed, around
. all told, quite in all probability adv syn PRESUMABLY, assumably, doubtless,
doubtlessly. ,. in all likelihood. ,. in all probability. presumably. Parts of Speech:
Synonym of Assumably: hFarsi - advanced version assumably فرضا`،چنانکه .
3 assumably vs assumedly 4 assumably presumably .
Dictionary - Definition of Assumably. . Virtually never used adverbial inflection of
Synonyms: assumably, doubtless, doubtlessly, in all likelihood, in all probability,
Related searches 1 assumably 2 assumably meaning 3 assumably vs
Main Entry: presumably. Synonyms: all things considered, as it were, assumably,
A: Assumably so. Would you change it to "presumably so"? I started to do that but
Rank: Intensity : Word: Synonyms: Synonyms of synonym: 1 : 4.7096 : assumably
Is there a difference between assumedly and assumably ? If I assume someone
assumably - Corruption of assuming and presumably.The last book I read by this
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Oct 8, 2010 . I've seen 'assumably' used where my ear tells me 'presumably' is meant: In fact,
Robert Zhang: They are similar in meaning. In what context are they non-
Dictionary for presumably : presumably Definition,presumably Synonyms .
Re: Assumably and Assumedly. Neither is in common use. I would use '
ASSUMABLY PRESUMABLY - Page 5. Assumably. User Name, : Password, : ©
Nov 18, 2010 . I used to know someone who said "assumably" instead of "presumably" and even
assumably, adv. As may be assumed or taken for granted, presumably. - Oxford
SearchDoc has Assumably Presumably .doc files, free to download.
Dictionary - Definition of assumably. . Definition: assumably .
Dictionary - Definition of assumably. . Synonyms: assumably .
assumably, presumably. at leased, at least. authoritarian source, authoritative
Assumably suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically). Assumably stats.
assumably, presumably. at leased, at least. authoritarian source, authoritative
assumably/presumably The correct word is “presumably.” assure/ensure/insure
but today I read, for the first time, the word "assumably" where I would have
English-English translation for assumably - online dictionary EUdict.com. .
Click to see more results for assumably. You can also search a variety of other
Assumably Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the original PDF
Related Words: likely, probably; certainly, doubtless, sure, surely, undoubtedly;
"assumably": "presumably",. "at leased": "at least",. "authoritarian source": "
Synonyms of assumably from the Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus with
Jun 12, 2009 . presumably assumably is presumably. It was late . Just a thought but is there
In an assumable manner; . . As may be assumed; presumably. . “That is
Related Words: likely, probably; certainly, doubtless, sure, surely, undoubtedly;
ASSUMABLY PRESUMABLY - Page 2. Assumably. User Name, : Password, : ©
ASSUMABLY PRESUMABLY - Page 3. Assumably. User Name, : Password, : ©
they are synonyms!!~!
Mar 7, 2011 . STSanford. assumably = presumably? March 08 2011 at 12:01 AM Report abuse
Synonyms: assumably, doubtless, doubtlessly, in all likelihood, in all probability,
It seems you have no problem regarding presume, let's just assume you want to
Assumably Presumably Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the
Sep 29, 2011 . Related Words: likely, probably; certainly, doubtless, sure, surely, undoubtedly;
pre·sum·a·ble (pr -z m -b l). adj. That can be presumed or taken for granted;
Mar 14, 2010 . All I can say is that assumedly, assumably and assumedly have been subsumed