Mar 23, 12
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  • Select multiple items and scale/rotate/move them all simultaneously. Includes a
  • May 19, 2010 . In less than a day and, above all, in less than 2KB! . .. keyCode; switch (h) { case
  • Aug 18, 2005 . WriteLine("Greater than 8") Case Else ' Other values. Debug.WriteLine("Not
  • I can only think in terms of AS2 and eval functions to make it less bloated but that
  • Jan 11, 2011 . [AS3] Switch Statement · [AS3] Arrays » . You can also check if something is
  • Apr 4, 2008 . function buttonClicked(which:String){ switch(which){ case"start": PlayGame(); . In
  • Mar 11, 2010 . Re: Switch statement for AS3 - Flash CS3. sure .. but as I said .. Math.random.
  • Feb 5, 2010 . AS3: Date / Time converter . return "less than a minute";. } var _time:String; .
  • Changed case + applied AS3 = big heat increase Cooling. . has gone up no
  • Apr 23, 2011 . Open up the “circle_collision.fla”, and then run it by pressing Ctrl + Enter in . .
  • Nov 3, 2007 . This example belongs to the AS3 Tutorials Novice and is part of our . keyCode;
  • Apr 27, 2011 . A common problem you face when loading more than one swf is . an If
  • AS3 Condicional Switch Stament. Imagine we can use . var value:int = 2; switch(
  • converting dates as3 - page 1,The biggest code snippet collection. . var _min:int
  • Sep 13, 2004 . switch (t) { case < "1000": alert("t is less than 1000") break case < "1801": alert("t
  • Aug 25, 2008 . I have a menu with 3 btns, and i am using switch and case (see code) for the
  • Jun 30, 2009 . The key is that we make use of the AS3 . rest parameter (. . This is often less
  • It is often possible to save time by scripting something rather than animating it,
  • Jun 6, 2011 . There's more to AS3′s break and continue statements than you might think. .
  • Nov 7, 2011 . Or a more complicated one, such as: if the line is less than five people, or more . .
  • I can only think in terms of AS2 and eval functions to make it less bloated but that
  • Feb 15, 2011 . Use the Proper Function for Random Numbers… or else . 1 and 5 the chance
  • AS3 Android Flash Components. Android . AS3 Condicional Switch Stament .
  • Jan 8, 2010 . Switch vs. if..else Best Practices. . Not sure if thats still true in AS3. . validating
  • Nov 11, 2010 . If class B inherits from A, then it will automatically also do foo and bar. . . private
  • [Archive] Changed case + applied AS3 = big heat increase Cooling. . up no less
  • The switch statement in Java provides a convenient method for branching a .
  • Sep 13, 2011 . Check for collision between ships and bullets, and then delete them both. .
  • Sep 4, 2010 . Here are 5 shorthand examples of ways to write AS3 using less code. . My
  • Jun 1, 2010 . In those cases a more SQL-like approach can be more suited for . SQLike
  • Apr 2, 2009 . Is there anyway to use greater than or less than in Switch statements? Like this
  • jl – jump if less than, if second parameter is less than the first . *Truthfully it is a
  • switch (refID) { case "TS_38": pgBool = true; break; case "TS_37": pgBool = true;
  • Apr 16, 2008 . So posting this in case anyone else is looking for a get age script in AS3. . then
  • Apr 7, 2011 . In this example - I have a fairly verbose switch function that gets the job done. .
  • Jun 24, 2009 . Rather than testing for a true/false like in the if statement, the switch statement .
  • Normally, you would think deleting the contents is faster than creating a new
  • hamcrest-as3 - Port of hamcrest to ActionScript 3, a library of matcher objects (
  • May 20, 2011 . switch (arguments.length) { case 0 : return new type(); case 1 . Error if you pass
  • Sometimes a SoundChannel's position reports as being greater than the duration
  • switch(value){ case < 1: trace("Value is less than 1"); break; case 2: trace("Value
  • Jul 15, 2009 . Less than or equal to, left side is numerically less than, or equal to, right . .. In this
  • Gaia 3.2.6 switches to using Greensock's swc, Pages class now uses ids not titles
  • Apr 18, 2009 . I know the problem is the the 'break;' parts but the switch function doesn't work
  • Mar 7, 2012 . FDT5: From Scratch to Device in less than 4min . Eclipse go to Window →
  • I've also tested the Apollo compatible swc under a regular as3 app and
  • Jan 31, 2011 . Changing Colors Dynamically with ColorTransform in AS3 . .. asking for a
  • Current switches from NK Technologies combine a CT, signal conditioner and .
  • Jan 27, 2010 . I need to define a custom namespace in AS3 a couple times a year at most, and
  • Oct 12, 2009 . I am sure, some AS3 guru will show up with a solution. . Switch statements

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