Other articles:
May 27, 2011 . This entry is part 1 of 18 in the AS3 101 Session . . That is, if we say that our
May 24, 2008 . Lets look at some samples in creating flash in actionscript 3. . creating an array
Flash CS5 TLF text tutorial, Multicolumn text in Flash CS5 AS3, Runtime Shared
Mar 20, 2012 . The string contains one digit before the decimal point and up to 20 digits after the
Jan 12, 2012 . Archive. Posts Tagged 'AS3' . Purpose: Checks if string contains only
Sep 25, 2010 . actionscript: how to write a function to judge the input string contains only number
Jul 14, 2010 . You can reference here for all the methods of the String class. . The new, AS3
Aug 20, 2010 . Searching text in a string using AS3: Way 1. In this tutorial we will learn . -1){
Flash / AS3 Course ~. Home HTML . For strings that may contain any letters
This lesson resides in the String Control Methods section, which is part of the
Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-
Sep 9, 2008 . AS3 Scrollbar component for MovieClip . If you pass one argument of data type
share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. Given a string A , how can I determine if that string
Nov 27, 2007 . The problem isn't with AS3 it's with you for building bad query string. . .. var
I put together a demo of how you can do it without looping. Though it does call for
Jun 7, 2011 . An optional untyped object that can contain used-defined properties . . Returns a
Feb 7, 2010 . AS3 String Utils,The biggest code snippet collection. . Determines whether the
Sep 6, 2009 . Simply tests to see if the pattern is matched anywhere in the string . the array will
Actionscript 3: Checking Whether a String Contains Another String. I just ran
The string must contain a year, month, and day of the month, .
Apr 25, 2007 . To continue the Extension goodness, here is an uber-handy AS3 class .
Feb 7, 2010 . AS3 String Utils. / Published in: ActionScript 3 . .. Determines whether the
0; } /** * * Determines if the specified String contains numeric characters * * @
[Archive] test a string to see if contains certain text ActionScript 2.0.
AS3 - Searching An Array for the items that contains a particular word when .
Jan 29, 2011 . By the way I've recalled about library – as3-commons and its' module Lang,
Dec 21, 2011 . The data object contains the following properties: description: (String) The
In this post, we will implement the Trie data structure in ActionScript 3. . public
Nov 2, 2007 . 24 Responses to “Converting html entities in AS3”. Patrick Burt . This doesn't
This tutorial will teach you how to use the Data Class in AS3 to retrieve all . in
Check if string contains certain characters - Adobe Flash authors web . I would
Flash Player 9 contains two virtual machines, AVM1 for code written in .
There are a couple of different types of variables in actionscript 3, which should .
Jun 23, 2011 . public static function contains(source:String, search:String):uint { var . @return
as3 string remove special characters. . I have some troubles understanding how
@return int */ String.prototype.contains = function(searchString){ return (this. .
[static] Checks if String contains a search String, ignoring the case and handling
Mar 20, 2012 . AS3 function localeCompare(other:String, . values):int . If the g (global) flag is
Jun 6, 2008 . String.searchpattern returns an int4. . Published in: ActionScript 3 . //Exec()
. matters to look at a couple of the things you can do with strings in AS3. .
It seems that XMLRPCSerialize encodeString does not work well if the string
A method "contains" for String, help forums for developers working with . (I also
As far as I know, there is no way to go through the DisplayList with a path-like
How to convert test.text=Math.random(); to AS3? Thanks! View Replies ! View
For more about what a string is, visit the variables page. . Replacing within
Jul 22, 2008 . AS3 Basics: String Manipulation in Actionscript 3.0 . . use the numLines property
Nov 14, 2008 . We have discussed a bit about Regex in Introduction to AS3 Part1. We shall . @
Sep 16, 2007 . AS3: Remove HTML RegEx . stripHTML("some html string")); . this might break