Other articles:
Nov 22, 2006 . Previous message: [haXe] Array.slice and splice; Next message: . It is also worth
Feb 20, 2010 . What if I want to sort or splice a temporary copy? Incredibly, AS3 doesn't have a
Hi, I am working on a basic game in order to practice my AS3 coding skills. The
How to randomly select any number of elements from an array in AS3, . choice
Mar 16, 2010 . AS3 Quick Tip – Remove a specific item from an array. . for(var i:int=0; i<
Nov 28, 2011 . splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, . values):Array. Adds elements to and . .
Dec 18, 2009 . The goal is to have a drop-in replacement for Array for times where a linked .
Jul 25, 2010 . [AS3] removeChild array.splice lag Hi, I am working on a basic game in order to
Hi, I am working on a basic game in order to practice my AS3 coding skills. The
It can add or subtract elements from an array. In your example. Code: MyArray.
Here's how you can find unique items between two arrays. Code snippet – AS3
Feb 12, 2009 . An Even Better AS3 OOP Flash Custom Cursor In the last tutorial we . ..
May 13, 2009 . Here is how to delete and clear out an array using the Slice method in . In AS3,
Mar 12, 2009 . Tags: Arrays, as3, benchtest, concatenate, slice . 2) array.slice(0) – i.e. return a
Jan 11, 2011 . As an alternative to the splice method, you can use pop() to remove the last
AS3 Array Splice issue. Post by Jasconius » Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:57 pm. I am
Jul 26, 2008 . Resetting an empty array over 100000 iterations in a while(i--) loop length = 0: 15
May 10, 2005 . Two new methods we are going to go over now are the slice() and the splice()
Jan 28, 2011 . Just recently I have needed an in depth understanding of AS3 efficiency . When
Though these will work in the same way in both AS2 and AS3, this tutorial is . .
[AS3] Removing bullets from an array Gaming and Game Development. . 20) {
Oct 27, 2006 . Thanks for the AS3 info - just one thing array.splice has not changed - it's just as
In AS3 you have push and splice functions, from what I have read in the .
Am I going crazy, or is: var arr:Array = [0,1,1,0]; var arr2:Array = arr.slice(0); .
Apr 17, 2009 . There are alot of ways to shuffle an array in AS3, ranging from . found was to
Jan 28, 2008 . I discovered, in a roundabout and difficult way, that Array.splice() is, in my opinion
I am trying to remove an object from an array. but from some reason its . If you
Jan 19, 2009 . AS3 randomize array . function randomizeArray(array:Array):Array{ . newArray.
Apr 17, 2011 . Here is AS3 implementation (read comments): . remove chosen element from
AS3 function splice(startIndex:int, deleteCount:uint, . values):Array Language
Apr 20, 2010 . as3/mxml (24) . Thus, if the same item was found again in the array during
Jun 8, 2011 . Quick Tip: How to Randomly Shuffle an Array in AS3 . . Here we use the Array.
If you want to have a new array with the same element of the other, you can write:
Jan 21, 2010 . removeValue = function(value:*):Array {. for(var i:int;i <this.length; i++) {. if(this[i] =
I have a lot of display objects in an array that I'm constantly adding . As long as
AS3 Remove duplicates in an array · Actionscript 3 | Posted on Apr 02 2010.
Mar 25, 2009 . [AS3] Problem removing mc from array, if mc is created from loop. Atom Feed ·
ActionScript3 - Array Clear Performance Test (AS3) . Using length { array.length
Oct 8, 2007. it's uses in actionscript. How to replace strings in AS3. . limit:Number [optional]
array.length = 0 or array.splice() seems to work best for overall performance. .
Kongregate AS3 - hit testing, child removal, array cleaning., post your thoughts
AS3 Remove element from array (of objects) generically . //. so on so forth.
This tutorial will teach you the basics on how to use arrays in AS3. Arrays are lists
random words from an array? AS3. fivestringsurf. Last reply Mar 29 2009 . and if
I am having a strange issue here with array splicing. The below code works
Oct 12, 2010 . But anyway lets get on with AS3 optimization in general, keep in mind . .
Nov 19, 2009 . Array.prototype.remove = function(index:int):Array {. var original:Array = this.slice(
so when I start dragging, adContainer's index number(adListNr) should delete
AS3 Array element remove issue: Actionscript 3.0 (incl. . When you splice