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For a while, it seemed artemisinin might have been the magic bullet that would
an effective and economical treatment for cancer in dogs and other pets. We will
Feb 15, 2012 . Chinese medicine has yielded a promising new approach for treating cancer.
This is a group for people who are using artemisinin and/or its analogs to treat
00841-A: Pharmacokinetics and Phase I Clinical Trial of High-Dose Intermittent
Artemisinin New research being done at the University of Washington is showing
Dec 31, 2008 . Posted by roland at 9:02 pm Tagged with: artemisinin, bone cancer, canine
It was determined in 1972 that artemisinin is an active compound extracted from
I highly recommend joining the group Artemisinin for Cancer if you are fighting
Jul 19, 2011 . Healthy Three Legged Dog Diets & Canine Cancer Supplements . Supplements
Treatment with artemisinin was started on a dog with a bone cancer so severe it
Sep 1, 2006 . I began to research and came across the article in the whole dog journal
Dr. Couto is clinically evaluating the effects of artemisinin, also known as sweet
Question - Is it safe to give my dog Co-Q10 and artemisinin supplements. Find
Jan 22, 2012 . the study is to measure the extension of survival time of cancer dogs . .. the
We collaborate with a group in Washington State University to perform clinical
Dec 16, 2009 . Tripawds Blogs | Tripawds three-legged dogs discussion forums fast help tips for
Mar 1, 2004 . Artemisinin derivatives: toxic for laboratory animals, safe for humans? .
In 1999, Professors Lai and Singh pioneered canine research on artemisinin
Artemisinin or Qinghaosu is an extract from the plant Artemisia annua or Qinghao
Top questions and answers about Artemisinin Cancer Dogs. Find 646 questions
It also looks at using the herb Artemisinin which may be given to dog cancer
and X-rays (sic) confirmed the disappearance of the tumor. Several dogs with
May 22, 2009 . Dr. Schlegel's work had been done on dogs, which were adopted out after being
Artemisinin for Dog Cancer. Dog's with cancer can experience debilitating,
Therefore, a final and definitive statement on the safety of artemisinins still . rats,
Animal studies have established a selective brainstem neu- rotoxicity from
Artemisinin is an herbal drug that has been shown to kill human and canine
Continuation post on the essentials of artemisinin use in dog cancer.
. bit actually) concerning bone cancer in dogs and have come up with some
I have discontinued her Artemisinin (see below), as the Whole Dog Journal
oral artemisinin in dogs with spontaneous tumors. Dr. Kenji Hosoya, resident in
Artemisinin for Dog Cancer. Dog's with cancer can experience debilitating,
Nov 17, 2009 . On the Yahoo Group artemisinin_and_cancer, one question that often comes up
This is the story of my flat coat retriever dog Darby. . . a Yahoo internet group
drug Artemisinin and dogs with bone cancer. Please see our Herbal page for
Mar 9, 2012 . "You cannot poison your animal into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. My
I have had multiple dogs on artemisinin for two years and longer without
Doctors researching Artemisinin agree that it is safe, and can kill osteosarcoma
An introduction to the interest in a drug for malaria now with evidence for cancer
In all experimental mammals tested (rats, dogs, primates), intramuscular
Dec 21, 2010 . Dog Artemisinin extracted from the herb Artemisia annua L.
May 2, 2003 . Presently there is a clinical trial evaluating a dosage of artemisinin at 100 mg per
Feb 10, 2012 . “Early Success with Canine Osteosarcoma: Treatment with artemisinin was
Canine Cancers Osteosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma Adenocarcinoma Mast Cell
Artemisinin for Dog Cancer. Dog's with cancer can experience debilitating,
Jun 28, 2010 . A friend of mine recommended I speak with someone about getting my Riley
Nov 17, 2002 . Whole Dog Journal goes on to state, "Artemisinin's reaction to iron molecules
Mar 26, 2011 . K9 health support also has a great page with links to articles and research on